
Are you pooping enough to lose weight and body fat?

If you are eating 3-5 times per day, you should be pooping at least 1x per day, preferably more!!! What goes in…must go out!

If your food doesn’t get digested and eliminated you will feel distended, heavy, uncomfortable and have trouble losing weight and fat.

It’s can lead to many more issues with time

Poop quality and frequency will give you a good idea how you are doing with the digestion of your foods.

I wrote this a while back for those who do my 5 day detox but it is still relevant.

Keep in mind a diet high in fat often results in the loss of sodium. The salt depletion causes a parallel loss of potassium. Common symptoms of a potassium deficiency include weakness, muscular cramps, constipation, irritability and/or skin problems.

Some easy at home recommendations include:
  • 2 teaspoons of Pink Himalayan Salt per day.
  • After rising, individuals should drink at least eight ounces of warm (not tepid) water to stimulate the gastrocolic reflex.
  • A gentle walk for 15-20 minutes after each meal will also stimulate a healthy bowel transit time
  • A few potassium rich keto-friendly foods include: spinach, avacados, kale, mushrooms
  • Flaxseeds are high in mucilaginous fiber and supply the body with Omega 3 essential fatty acids. They absorb up to 8 times their weight in water, thereby softening stools.
If you are feeling bloated, gassy and not eliminating 1-3 times per day I recommend these supplements to help:
  • Digestive enzymes for chronic constipation (Metagenics: Spectrazyme Complete (helps to break down carbs, proteins and fats), SpectraZyme Metagest (helps to break down animal proteins even more with the added HCL – super important for people over 40 who consume animal proteins); Standard Process: Zypan & Enzycore- sold at Harbor location)· ·Magnesium citrate supplementation from Designs for Health. Start with recommended dosage on the bottle and then titrate up as needed.
  • Essential Fatty Acids (Fish Oils) to aid in normal GI motility (Metagenics: EPA/DHA 720)
  • Prebiotics and Probiotics to increase GI motility and bulk to the stool: (Metagenics: Ultra Flora Spectrum & Metafiber (add fermented foods also: raw sauerkraut, kimchee, raw apple cider vinegar, gut shot, low sugar kombucha etc.))
Contact me with questions.