
2023 Fitness Events

This page contains information on various events, which I believe will interest our clients and subscribers. The events include fitness workshops, motivational seminars, fundraisers, health & wellness seminars, community team building, fitness events and more. Scroll down…

“I AM A PRIORITY” Virtual Transformation Challenge- Our Most Comprehensive Coaching Program

We are accepting new clients to start on Monday! For more information go to: “I AM A PRIORITY” Virtual Transformation

Team Shamp Fitness Events

Most of my clients come to me to lose body fat, get healthy and fit, and to make themselves a priority again.  From my 33 years of helping 100k +clients lose tons of fat, I have found that if your goal is solely to lose weight, it is generally not a big enough goal to stay motivated for the long run.

I know it may feel like a big and very important goal to you now, but as you may have found out already it is challenging to be consistent with all the things necessary for long-term fat and weight loss (food intake, sleep, exercise, keeping stress down, etc.) given all the obstacles we encounter each day.

One way to stay motivated to exercise consistently is to schedule a fitness event.

More information coming soon.

If you have a fitness event you would like to participate in and want to be a team captain let me know and we will add it to the schedule.

Your friend & coach,

PS: Join me on Facebook (click here) for answers to all your health, fitness, and nutrition questions.