Are you exhausted, stressed, carrying extra weight, experiencing discomfort, feeling frustrated, or dealing with mood swings? It’s time for a transformation.
Detox Programs are for many, a simple solution to changing their lifestyle habits for the better. Healthy detoxification may help to:
Support concentration
Promote healthy digestion
Improve bad breath
Support healthy energy levels
Promote motivation and creativity
Promote healthy joint function
Support healthy skin and eyes
Support proper weight management
Starting at a young age, I developed aches & pains, canker sores, bloating, gas, constipation issues and learning disabilities. As an athlete, like many, I thought exercising 25 hours a week would be enough to flatten my abs and be healthy. After doing my first detoxification program with Dr. John Moore back in 1999, I learned how powerful the nutrition side of the equation can truly be.
After only 4 weeks of the program, I was new and improved. A transformation occurred with that first Detox program and I would never be the same. I significantly decreased the body fat in my abdominal region and could see my abs for the first time. I didn’t have gas or the bloated feeling I was used to having on a daily basis for years because I learned which foods were creating my symptoms.
Even 24 years later, I now recover better from exercise with minimal aches & pains. In addition, I feel I can comprehend information better because my mind is now clear. In the past I used to re-read words over and over because I couldn’t comprehend or remember what I read. This created a lot of frustration. Now it’s great to read and learn!
Given my success with the program, I recommend that everyone incorporate a cleanse or detoxification program one-two times per year given the stress we encounter in our environment on a daily basis. We will never be free of toxins, but we can surely be more efficient at eliminating them. Besides the elimination of toxins, you will develop intuitive eating, which will allow you to understand which foods are your poisons and which foods make you feel your best.
I have witnessed what some believe to be miracles with this simple program. Check out the some of the success stories below.
“Ready for a Change? Maybe You Need a Detox? Find out here: Toxicity Questionnaire
21 Day Detox Success Stories
Roger did the 21 Day Detox program with me many years ago and lost 14 pounds and experienced a remarkable reduction in neck and shoulder pain in only 30 days. See the photos & videos below. We then did a follow up a 3 years later and he has lost even more weight and is keeping it off!
Roger’s Video #1: 30 Days After 21 Detox
Roger’s Video #2: 3 Years After 21 Day Detox
Meet Bill. He lost 27 pounds in 45 days, decreased his chronic pain 90%, feels less stiff, looks and feels 1000% better. He has also been able to keep his weight off and reduced his chronic pain:
Even My Mother Did The Program!!
The VegeCleanse Plus™ 14 Day or 21 Day Detox Program is a comprehensive, science-based nutritional program designed to support safe and effective detoxification.
This is accomplished by providing the nutrients needed to support and balance phase I and phase II metabolic pathways and to promote healthy liver function and elimination. Everything is consolidated into packets to make the program easy to follow and ensure that individuals on the program do not miss any necessary nutrients.
Each program kit provides single-serving VegeCleanse Plus™ functional food powder, drink mix packets and capsule packets containing Amino-D-Tox™ and Detox Antiox™. Each kit also comes with a detailed program guidebook that includes a supplement schedule, sample menus, and suggested food and snack options.
VegeCleanse Plus is ideal for those who have allergies or sensitivities to gluten, dairy or other animal proteins, and for those who would like to safely support the liver while promoting safe detoxification. VegeCleanse™ is fructose-free and is sweetened with the natural herb stevia.
Check out the 14 Day Detox Program Guidebook here:DFH VegeCleanse 14 Day GuidebookCheck out the 21 Day Detox Program Guidebook here:DFH VegeCleanse 21 Day Guidebook
The VegeCleanse Plus™ 14 Day & 21 Day Detox Program is very simple to follow and promotes a great lifestyle approach.
Detox protein powder packets for twice-daily detox smoothies, clinical-grade supplement packets containing nutrients to support phase I & phase II detoxification
Smoothie shaker bottle
Access to an exclusive wellness app (your detox “health coach in your pocket”)
Daily meal plans, recipes, & shopping lists In-app tracking of your diet, movement, symptoms, sleep, hydration, and more
If you feel that you need more support during your 14 Day Detox program, for an additional $97, you receive the following:
30 minute telephone consultation with me
Access to the Detox Private Group: Community support from others in the program, support from me, lifestyle tips to make the program successful, recipes and meal ideas.
Daily support as needed via coaching app and the private group
Your success in this program is more important to me than I can tell you!
Purchase Detox Program Support Here
For more information on the 14 & 21 Day Detox Programs and to set up a FREE Discovery Session complete the contact form below. NOTE: Our program can be done anywhere in the United States.
More Testimonials
“Brien is a fantastic nutrition and lifestyle coach, and I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to change any aspect about their health. He will work with you to get the results you desire until you get them, and then he will provide you support and information to help you maintain your new lifestyle. I went to Brien for the first time June 2009. Then, my entire goal was to lose weight and Brien helped me do that – immediately. I did his 21 Day Detox program and I lost a decent amount of weight, and body fat, in the 21 day process. Additionally, I started to feel more energetic and much healthier. Since then I have been working with Brien. I am much more fit and in control of my health. My goals changed from trying to lose weight, to trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Brien helps me all the time with products, workouts, food questions – you name it. I wouldnt have been successful with this without his support. I recommend him without hesitation to anyone interested in changing their lifestyle in a positive way.
– Carleigh F.
“I have good news on my MT and cleanse. I’ve lost 26 lbs. and my blood pressure, which hovered around 168/98 is now 120/73 and I’ve never felt better. Clearly with this drastic of a result, I had some problems with the foods I was eating. I now understand that even so-called healthy foods like “wheat” can be poison to certain people like me. I am looking forward to working with you on a strengthening routine and increasing my muscle now that I lost all this fat. “
Rich H
“I’ve known Brien Shamp for over five years and he is not only my go-to trainer and nutritionist, but he has truly become a dear friend. He has inspired me to be fit and healthy! I’m obsessed with his detox programs and I get upset when I miss a boot camp. Brien has also encouraged me to be a more spiritual person and he has supported me with my philanthropic endeavors. As I move down to LA, I find myself most sad about leaving Brien’s Boot Camp. I’ve enjoyed the conversations and friendships made with fellow boot campers and their support for my all-girls school, “Daraja Academy of Kenya.” My life will never be the same because of Brien’s wisdom and advice. I feel so blessed to have met Brien, his family and friends. I hope to continue his detoxes and workout routines on my own in LA since it genuinely makes me feel stronger and happier. Brien changed my life and I could not recommend a better “health guru!!!!” I thank him from the bottom of my heart and I will miss him and the boot camps very much!!”
Tara S.
“The 21 day modified Detox was just what I needed to get myself back into gear. I had my second baby 4 months ago. It wasn’t as easy this time to bounce back into shape and get my energy back. I am amazed at how much better I look and feel in just 21 days. I was unable to take any of the Detox supplements due to breastfeeding. Just by incorporating the clean diet, I dropped 7 pounds (4 of which were fat weight), 2 % body fat, and reduced my toxicity levels. After the first couple of days, I felt amazing. I had more energy than I ever had on caffeine. My husband, who was skeptical of the Detox at first, now wants to continue eating the way we did on the cleanse. We are both committed to doing this 2 times a year to ensure we continue to improve and keep up optimal health.”
Susan J.
“I have been a client 4 years and I have always been in good shape. For the past year I had strayed from my diet and fitness program. As a result, I put on about 15 extra pounds and went from 22% body fat to 30% body fat. I was working a lot, eating poorly, not active at all, and was really stressed out. Recently, my doctor was ready to put me on anti-depressants for mild depression and anxiety. Upon hearing that from my doctor, I went to Brien to discuss my current physical and mental condition. I did not want to take medications and I was never one to be overly depressed or anxious. Brien urged me to do the detoxification program in an effort to get back to a healthy state of being. I did the three week program and I feel fabulous! My mood has been really good (and it is really obvious to those around me). I have much more energy and am working out regularly again, and loving it. People have told me that I am glowing. My body fat percentage went from 30% back to my normal 22%. I will absolutely do the detoxification program again and I am recommending it to all of my friends and family as well!”
Tonya S.
“I am truly grateful for Brien, his knowledge, patience and vision. I was overweight, depressed, not sleeping and had high cholesterol. As I began and progressed through the process, Brien had great feedback and advice to simplify and optimize my results. At the end of 21 days, I lost 8 pounds, was sleeping better and had more energy. I had a follow-up visit with my doctor to review my blood work and discuss medication. She was utterly amazed at the changes I made in a little less than 3 months, I dropped 15 pounds, nearly 100 points from my cholesterol and my BMI went from greater than 30 to just under 26.I feel in control for the first time in awhile, I am about to start a terrific new job and am really delighted not to have to take meds to control my cholesterol. While I know that I did the hard work, I felt Brien’s presence at every step. For nutrition, life changes and all things fitness you cannot do better than Brien!!”
Laura H. San Francisco, Ca
“Fad, crash, liquid, starvation diets … I’ve tried them all – disappointingly, with no long-term success. However, after an easy commitment to the Standard Process healthy way of eating, I have not only seen the weight loss as indicated by my bathroom scale, but feel a noticeable difference in the way my clothes fit. I never felt hungry or deprived with the variety and quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables available on this program. In fact, months after the initial launch of this plan, my husband and I still opt to eating healthy and organically, and we are both keeping the weight off! We feel better, sleep better and have more energy!”
Patty S.
“Brien is extremely knowledgeable and will help you set goals and maintain them. His 21 day Detox program is fantastic. The nutritional consultation at the start and end of the program is through and very helpful. His suggestions inspired me reach my goals and stick to them! I would recommend Brien to anyone and everyone who is interested in achieving a better way to eat and stick to a diet that is healthy and catered to your body and its specific nutritional needs.”
Ranya A.
“I just completed the cleanse. Interesting experiment. Here is what I discovered – mostly for my own reflection, but thought you would like to know:
I did like how I felt – more energy better sleep… and NO (ZERO) hot flashing and pretty stable moods.
I learned I actually already eat a fairly solid Paleo-style diet with the exception of sugar. Chunky nut butter and celery actually hit the spot. Who knew?
I lost about 8 lbs which is always nice.
I find having the shakes as a meal replacement was ideal with my busy lifestyle and helped me make good food choices rather than grabbing the reactive snack.
I had a little dairy (sour cream) last night. No es bueno! That’s a confirmation for me.
So, now what? I would like to continue with the shakes for a meal replacement. I think a key for me is to combine fitness and nutrition next. I think I’m ready for that. I will continue to nix sugar and dairy for sure. Thanks… I’m on the road to feeling 34 at 54.”