
Day: November 17, 2009

Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 22

Congratulations on successfully completing the 21-day Purification Program. The key now is to incorporate what you have learned during...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 21

Welcome to Day 21 of the Purification Program. Well, the final day of your purification program has finally arrived. ...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 20

Welcome to Day 20 of the Purification Program. Just two days left to go!  No, our math isn’t off. ...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 19

Welcome to Day 19 of the Purification Program. Today we are going to discuss the elimination/re-introduction protocol for identifying...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 18

Welcome to Day 18 of the Purification Program. As we have indicated over the last several days, you should...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 17

Welcome to Day 17 of the Purification Program. An important part of maintaining the results you achieve from the...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 16

Welcome to Day 16 of the Purification Program. “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Purification Support – Day 15

Welcome to Day 15 of the Purification Program. Unless you are living in a biosphere (which we are pretty...

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