
13 Untold Ultra-Fat Burning Secrets

I’m sure you’ve seen hundreds of other fat loss “secret” tips out there. They all say pretty much the same thing. Eat every 2-3 hours, drink plenty of water, avoid white flour, don’t eat refined sugar, don’t order dessert, don’t drink soda, use your fist to determine portion size, do 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day and build more lean muscle to speed up metabolism. These are all great tips but they are definitely not worthy being called untold ultra-fat burning secrets.

I have personally witnessed hundreds of my clients Kick 20 pounds to the curb and get  super lean in 12 weeks using the exact information that I am about to share with you.

This fat melting knowledge has literally taken me 22 years of research and volunteering my own body as a guinea pig to perfect it. And now, here it is, for you – FREE!

Fat-Loss Secret # 1

1. The #1 make or break success factor is getting your mindset right! Looking back over the last 22 years at my clients who have had the most Jaw Dropping, Eye Popping Extreme results, and they all had a certain mind set before every workout. No, they didn’t put on war paint and go commando (well some of them did). Simply put, before every workout, they committed to giving 100%. No excuses, No complaining. Believe it or not, once you practice this mindset a few times, it becomes an easy habit.

  • Mindset tip – before each workout, visualize what is most important to you. Being healthy for your kids, looking ripped at the beach, being the hottest mom at the soccer field :), etc. Picture what inspires you and say to yourself– that’s me, that’s me, that’s me…

Fat-Loss Secret # 2

2. Technically, this does not burn fat, but it will make your waist look slimmer instantly. However, indirectly, it does decrease belly fat also.

As I look around, I see endless people with poor posture, which is the result of training programs which overly concentrates on working the chest and shoulders, combined with sedentary jobs where you are sitting at a desk or in front of a computer all day. The result of this poor posture is rounded shoulders and a slumped forward appearance, which just pushes your belly out! To test this, all you have to do is stand up straight while drawing your shoulders back and instantly witness your stomach flatten. Strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining an upright posture (upper-mid back) will lead to a flattening effect on your stomach. Another quick remedy for bad posture is stretching your chest muscles.

  •  Tip – A great posture improving and waist slimming exercise is “standing rows.” Stand up straight, extend arms forward all the way, pull back with your elbows against your sides and squeeze shoulder together. Hold the squeeze for 4s. Relax your shoulders as much as possible.
  • Tip- Make sure you are in the ideal ergonomics whenever you sit- office, home & car. Email me if you would like a great ergonomic specialist.

Indirectly, optimal posture reduces belly fat given a forward rounded posture inhibits diaphragmatic breathing, increasing stress to the physiology. This physiological stress will lead to hormonal stress, increasing cortisol (enhancing belly fat) and a sluggish thyroid (reducing metabolic rate) further leading to an increase in fat. In addition, posture alters mental, emotional & physical state, which will often result in decreased motivation. Lowered motivation often leads to poor eating habits, depression, addictions, and reduced physical activity.

Fat-Loss Secret # 3

3. Unless you want to spend hours and hours in the gym, have a fast-paced workout. Most people don’t have all day to work out (I sure don’t). By not resting in-between exercises, you can build muscle and burn fat at the same time. I have personally tested this by putting a heart rate monitor on clients and comparing a fast-paced, intense weight workout vs. taking a spin class. It was shocking to discover that they actually got more cardio in the fast paced weight workout than in the spin class. What could be better than saving time and melting more fat?

  • Tip – Maintain a vigorous pace. Keep moving from exercise to exercise. One trick is to bring a pair of dumbbells next to a treadmill. Run for 40 seconds on the treadmill then jump off and do a dumbbell exercise, then get back on the treadmill. Keep alternating throughout the workout.
  • Tip – Plan your workouts ahead of time. Don’t waste time and let your heart rate go down trying to think of what to do next. Spending a little time planning your workouts will save you a lot of time and yield better results in the long run. You can see 3 years of workouts here: Boot Camp Workouts These are the same workouts we do in our daily boot camps.
  • Tip- Pick exercises that do not require a lot of time to set up. It’s all about pace and saving time. Exercises that take more than a few seconds to set up let your heart rate go down and can add a lot of extra time to your workout.
  • Tip – Keep your routine flexible. If a piece of equipment that you need to use is occupied, don’t wait or ask to work in. Just move on to the next exercise and come back later. Keep the pace going and the fat melting.

Fat-Loss Secret # 4

4. Use “free” snacks and drinks that fill you up, curb your cravings but won’t add any significant extra calories. Eat and drink as many of these free snacks and drinks, as you want.

  • Tip – When you get the late night sweet tooth, try a delicious homemade Chai Tea. This is how I make it. Put two Yogi Mayan Cocoa Spice tea bags in a cup (I use a big 20 ceramic cup) of boiling water. Add a drop or two of liquid Stevia. Let it steep for a few minutes, then add a little (no sugar added) Almond or Coconut Milk.
  • Tip – Cut up cucumber, Jicama or celery. Munch away all you want!

Fat-Loss Secret # 5

5. Don’t just work out aimlessly. Take pictures, measurements and weigh yourself before your next workout (or your first workout if you’re just getting started) then set a goal and a date, usually 6 to 8 weeks. If you can, get someone to agree to do the measurements to help keep you accountable. Over the years I discovered that when clients know they are going to get measured for progress on a certain date, they are less likely to miss workouts or cheat on their eating.

  • Tip – set a realistic goal so that you stay motivated and do not get discouraged.

Fat-Loss Secret # 6

6. A big secret to melting fat is to do exercises that work several muscles at once. This is important for two reasons: 1) Working several muscles at once burns more calories because it requires your heart to work harder to supply oxygen to the areas under stress. 2) It saves you time. Your workouts take a lot less time because you don’t have to do separate exercises for each muscle. You won’t see these super fat burning exercises too often at your local gym because most people just don’t know about them and their fat crushing benefits.

  • Tip – Do Dumbbell Squat Presses: Target = Butt, Thighs, Shoulders, Triceps and Cardio

Hold dumbbells level with ears in the press position. Lock shoulders back & down. Inhale and squat down until thighs are parallel to the floor. Stand back up and then press dumbbells over your head as you exhale. Lower them back down and repeat for 20-40s.

  •  Tip – Do Walking Lunge Lateral Raise Curls: Target = Butt, Thighs, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps and Cardio

With dumbbells at your sides, inhale and lunge forward with your left leg, exhale as you drive your left foot into the ground keeping your body upright, then inhale and  bring your right foot forward up to your left foot. Next exhale and raise the dumbbells laterally out to your sides until they are level with your ears, and then inhale and lower them back to your sides. Next exhale and curl the dumbbells up and then inhale as you bring the weights down with your palms up. Repeat, alternating legs, until 20 -40s raise curls are performed.

  •  Tip – Do Burpee Pushups: Target = Butt, Thighs, Shoulders, Triceps Chest, Core and Cardio

In push-up position, lock shoulders back & down and draw in belly towards spine. Do one push up, inhaling on downward phase and exhaling on upward phase. Quickly jump feet forward to a squatting position. Jump high into the air, raising your hands above your head. Land with feet shoulder width apart, on the balls of your feet and drop back into a squat. Jump feet back to a push up position. Repeat 20-40s in a fluid motion.

Fat-Loss Secret # 7

7. Don’t think that working your abs will do much for fat loss in your ab area …That’s right, I said it! Abdominal exercises do not burn fat away from your abs! I see so many people every day in the gym wasting their time crunching away then wondering why their body hasn’t  changed after months. Working out the way I discussed in Section 3 and 6 is the way to melt fat and get lean and toned in a hurry.

  • Tip – you can incorporate a few stomach exercises like hanging leg raises and cable twists between exercises as part of your fast-paced workout.

Fat-Loss Secret # 8

8. Eat real food to get lean! Ever watch The Discovery Channel? See the tribes in the jungle. You never see anyone who is fat, even the elders have six-packs. Why? They eat real food and stay active.

Stay away from processed foods. The food companies strip out the good stuff like fiber and nutrients.

What you have left is a food that has way more calories than normal. Plus, the worst part is that they are loaded with sugar. The good news is once you cut out these processed foods for a couple weeks, you lose your cravings.

  • Tip – watch out for foods and drinks that people think are “healthy” like bagels, pretzels and sports drinks like vitamin water. Consuming these is like eating table sugar.
  • Tip – Stick to foods like organic poultry, eggs, pork, fish, beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, sprouted nuts and seeds and fruits and vegetables.

Fat-Loss Secret # 9

9. Alkalizing the body sheds fat fast! Our modern, convenient diets and our fast pace on the go, lifestyles lead to acidification of the body’s internal environment. This results in acidic related symptoms: weight gain, lack of energy, lower body temperature, frequently feels cold, loss of drive, joy and enthusiasm, nervousness, agitation without cause, and easily stressed, acidic saliva, inflamed, sensitive gums, mouth ulcers, cracks at the corners of the lips, excess stomach acid, acid regurgitation, gastritis, ulcers. nails are thin and split and break easily, hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out, dry skin, skin tends to be irritated in regions where there are heavy concentrations of sweat, hives, leg cramps and spasms and more. Source: The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health, by Christopher Vasey, N.D. (Inner Traditions, 2003).

In general, the current Standard American Diet (SAD) is primarily composed of acidic or acidifying elements (proteins, cereals, sugars). Stimulants like tobacco, coffee, tea and alcohol are also extremely acidifying. Stress and physical activity (both insufficient or excessive amounts) also cause acidification.

There are certain foods that are alkaline and shift the ph. more alkaline.

  • Tip – Most green vegetables are high alkaline. Some really high acid foods are: fast food, sugar, milk, cream, cheese, pork and red meat.

Fat-Loss Secret # 10

10. Be prepared. Most of the time, clients eat poorly because they did not bring food with them or did not prepare. Bring healthy snacks with you like apples and veggies with hummus. If you can, bring some Tupperware containers with healthy meals. Keep it simple. If you don’t feel like bringing food, then plan out some healthy restaurants or stores that you can patronize.

  • Tip – Get a vegetable steamer and keep steamed veggies with you ready to eat. Steam them as little as possible to retain nutrients. Also pre-cook some chicken or fish. With the proper preparation & planning, it will only take a few minutes to prepare 1 or 2 meals and grab a few snacks to bring with you.
  • Tip- Whatever you have for dinner eat for lunch.

Fat-Loss Secret # 11

11. Warning: Artificially Sweetened “Sugar Free” Foods Make You FAT.

Did you know that most foods labeled as “sugar free” or “low-carb” actually contain artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and other additives that create a hormonal disaster inside your body, actually causing your body to STORE more belly fat and increase cravings! Also, foods labeled “whole grain” only have to contain a small fraction of whole grains, where the majority can still be refined starches and sugars that spike your blood sugar faster than a bowl of ice cream.

  • Tip – Stop eating foods with artificial sweeteners for two weeks, then try it again. It will taste like disgusting sweet chemicals.
  • Tip – If you really want to sweeten something, use an all-natural sugar free sweetener like Stevia or Xylitol. Raw honey is also a great sweet source with immune benefits.

Fat-Loss Secret # 12

12. Don’t cheat on your nutrition plan for 21 days. It takes the brain 21 days to reset itself and create a new habit. When you want to make a change, don’t tell yourself you are doing it for life; tell yourself that you are going to try it for 21 days. Now, when you have completed this for 21 days, your conscious mind has the choice of stopping it or carrying on, or so it thinks. Your neural pathways have formed already and you will more than likely continue with your new habit. You will have seen the benefits along the way and your unconscious will want to continue if it has been beneficial.

  • Tip – Make it as easy as possible for you to have a successful 21 days. Use your day planner to schedule eating and workout times. Leave reminder notes to yourself.
  • Tip – Try working out first thing in the morning before your busy day starts and your workout gets put on the back burner.

Fat-Loss Secret # 13

13. For at least one week , write down everything you eat and drink. For the best results, you have to write it down right before the food or drink is consumed. By writing it down first, you will have a moment to stop and think about whether this decision is going to melt belly fat or pack it on.

  • Tip – Have someone agree to review your food journal every day. Make an agreement that for each day you do not give him your journal, you owe him $10.00 and every time you cheat you owe $1.00 dollar. Doing this will help keep you accountable.

Fat-Loss Secret # 14 *BONUS TIP*

14. Time after time, I see so many people with good intentions lace up their gym shoes, put on their workout clothes, arrive at the gym, realize they aren’t sure of what exercises to do, how many reps, how much weight, the proper form, how often and then get discouraged and just go home. Oh, and of course, lose the motivation to stick to their nutrition plan as well.

  • Tip – Spend months or years becoming a fitness expert, or go to an Indoor Boot Camp like mine that’ll help you melt the belly fat and build a firm-toned body.

Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to read these 13 Untold Ultra-Fat Burning Secrets.

If you know anyone on this planet who would love to get their hands on this body-transforming information, (it could be a friend, family member, co-worker or anyone else that you know), please feel free to forward this to them. They will thank you and so will I.

Your Dedicated FAT LOSS Coach



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I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream  is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

Thank you for allowing me to help you.


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