
7 Secrets to Maintain Weight Loss

If you’ve ever lost weight, you know how hard it is to keep it off.

Ever wonder why some people are able to keep weight off, while others put it right back on? Read on for the 7 Secrets to Maintain Weight Loss. (And if you still have pounds to lose, these 7 secrets will help you too.)

Secret #1: Keep on Moving
If you’re serious about keeping the weight off, you need to be serious about your workouts. Keep your activity level high, both in and out of the gym. Your workouts should consist of both cardiovascular training and strength training. This can be accomplished by participating in only 3 days/week at any of my Boot Camps; however, while out of the gym make an effort to move as much as possible by taking the stairs, going for walks or jogs and participating in recreational activities.

Secret #2: Be a Healthy Eater
Sorry, you can’t go back to eating at the drive thru and expect to maintain your weight loss. Focus on these 3 aspects of healthy eating:

  1. Keep calories high in nutritional value-avoid foods that have been processed and most foods that have labels. Gone are the days of eating mindlessly. Be aware of everything that goes into your mouth, whether by journaling or simply keeping a mental tally.
  2. Be careful. Eat small portions every 2-4 hours and balance all meals with a protein and fat.
  3. Eat a balanced diet. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables, hormone & anitibiotic free animal proteins and whole sprouted & gluten free grains. Oh yes, dark chocolate is a superfood- try some raw cacao in a smoothie as a desert.

Secret #3: Turn off the TV
The average person watches a whopping 35 hours of television each week. People who successfully maintain weight loss, on the other hand, watch an average of 7 hours or less. TV watching encourages snacking and puts you in a sedentary position on the couch. Spend less time in front of the TV and enjoy longer lasting weight loss.

Secret #4: Keep it Simple
While it is important to keep a variety of foods in your diet, your diet should be fairly simple. Create a repertoire of basic whole foods: fruits, vegetables, animal proteins, whole grains, beans, oils and nuts. When you cut down on your options it becomes easier to stick to your plan, making weight loss guaranteed.

Secret #5: Track Yourself
Your biggest fear is gaining back every solitary lost pound, but don’t be afraid of your scale. Weigh yourself at least once each week to monitor any gains. Ideally, you would measure body fat so you can tell the difference between fat, muscle and water related shifts. If your weight begins to climb it could be an increase in muscle, fat or water. You can often tell the difference by how your clothes fit or by measuring certain areas with measuring tape, but the easiest way is to measure your body fat. It only takes a few minutes- you can buy a Tanita scale, come to my studio so I can do a Body Fat Test, or you can do some other forms of testing which we can discuss around the area.

Secret #6: Eat for the Right Reason
Emotional eating is one of the top reasons that people are overweight. It’s very important that you view food as fuel, not as an answer to deeper emotional needs. When food becomes more than just fuel, the pounds quickly add up. If you want to keep your weight under control, you’re going to have to eliminate emotional eating. I work closely with people weekly with a program called Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching. We work together to develop strategies to decrease stress and to find foods that allow maximum efficiency.

Secret #7: Forget All-Or-Nothing
No one is perfect – not even you! There will be days when you eat more calories than you should have. There will also be days when you miss a workout. Don’t let small slipups send you into a tailspin of all-or-nothing sabotage. Simply get back to your healthy lifestyle rather than letting yourself backslide into your old habits.

Don’t be one of the many who skip these 7 secrets and instead return to life pre-weight loss. You worked hard to be where you are – you deserve to keep it.

I’m always available to help you achieve any fitness or weight loss goal. Call or email to get started on a solid exercise & nutrition program that will change your body and life forever.

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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