
70 Year Old Great Grandma Powerlifting Record Holder

Check out 70 year old Winifred from Seattle. They call her “Heavy Metal”, an appropriate nickname for her given she is the strongest 70 year old I have heard of. This lady is dedicated…She wakes up at 3:30 am Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays to work with her Personal Trainer.

The next time you don’t want to wake up to go to the gym at 6 am, have thoughts that you can’t lose weight or think you can’t get any better, think of Winifred. You can create the life you desire. It takes dedication and motivation. We are here to help with the motivation. Contact us any time for a free consultation, personal training session and a week pass to try our center and see why we are unique. If you are a member contact us to take advantage of your member benefits such as your complimentary personal training session & nutrition & lifestyle coaching session.

To read the article: Grandma Powerlifter

In Health,
