
Optimal Fitness Newsletter: February 1, 2009

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

February is here…one month of the year is already completed. I am sure many of you had improving your health & fitness as one of your New Year’s Resolutions…how is that working out? Have you been exercising at least 30 minutes per day and following a healthy diet & lifestyle?

I find that January is hard for many people because there is a lot going on: kids go back to school, end of the year taxes, clean up from the holidays, carb cravings, recovery from family over the holidays, etc. February is the time to get going on a program just for you. If you are ready to commit to yourself, let us help you create the life you desire. Contact me today for a FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session, so we can talk about a game plan for you.
We have received positive feedback from our members regarding our new changes in 2009. Our dynamic group classes are getting great attendance, which most are FREE to members. We just added a new class for seniors, “Optimal Fitness for a Healthy Lifestyle” on Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. The purpose of this class is to increase mobility, flexibility, balance, functional strength, and prevent falls. The class is ideal for those 70 and up. Based upon demand, we will add additional classes. This class is FREE to OFLC members and $8/class for non-members. To sign up for the program go to Optimal Fitness for a Healthy Lifestyle.

Another new class starting this Thursday, February 5th is a 4- week program, “Reposturing Yoga.” This is not just another yoga class, but a training program that will immediately begin to improve your posture, boost your stamina, raise your self esteem, improve your balance, lift your bust line, improve breathing efficiency, eliminate aches & creakiness, neutralize low back pain, improve facial and body symmetry and more. Aaron Parnell, Developer of Reposturing Yoga served on the first Sports Massage Team for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. In addition to helping over 10,000 individuals achieve vitality, Parnell has trained over 1,000 health professionals in his Reposturing solutions. The 4 week series is $99 or $30/class. For more information on Aaron go to: www.AaronParnell.com
To sign up for the program go to Reposturing Yoga.

The website is getting better every day with more content added daily. Your Optimal Fitness Membership also gives you access to the Private Areas of the site. You will be able to access the exercise program library (exercise programs for all levels that can be done at OFLC, home, other gyms or when traveling), member forum (allows communication on health & fitness topics between members of OFLC and OFLC Staff & Other Health & Wellness Experts), video and audio seminars (my seminars on nutrition and other health topics), and the recipes area (healthy detox meals & snacks and new ideas for meals.)

Members: To access the Membership Area on the website please go to: Register for Membership Access.

  • Please enter your preferred Username and Email Address.
  • Choose Free Account.
  • Enter your birth date.
  • Agree to terms and conditions.
  • You will then be approved by OFLC and given access to the Member Areas.
  • Please do this ASAP so we can start the Membership Forum and use this as a resource for all to improve health & vitality.

Here are some links to checkout on the new site:

Last thing, if you are happy with our programs & services please give us a review on YELP. For OFLC Members, we’ll give you a $10 credit to your account. For non-members we’ll give you a COMPLIMENTARY 7-Day Pass & Personal Training Session. Here is the link: YELP

Have a wonderful Sunday. I look forward to seeing you at the center soon.
