
Purification Support – Day 20

SPlogoWelcome to Day 20 of the Purification Program.

Just two days left to go!  No, our math isn’t off.  If you haven’t noticed by now, we include the current day in our calculations, as generally you will be reading this in the morning.

Do you want a simple rule that is designed to improve your body image, give you energy, balance your metabolism and fit in with your blood type?  No, its not another diet to consider.  It’s a well-researched winning rule that is easy to follow: Eat smaller amounts throughout the day.

For your reading enjoyment we present 5 Reasons to Eat Small Meals More Frequently!


How Should I Feel Today?

You should continue to feel wonderful today, especially considering how close you are to completing this purification program.  As always, if you have questions about something that is concerning you, please contact Brien or contact our resident purification specialist Allison at [email protected].

Weight Loss

Have you begun your additional supplementation for weight loss?  If not, go back and review the tips from days 8 and 10 and schedule an appointment with Brien to discuss your needs.  A protocol targeted to your specific type of weight concerns will help you to lose weight faster. 


Remember, tomorrow is not your first day off the program.  It is your final day on the program.  Make sure you stay faithful for the next 48 hours.  Also, if you are going to be slowly reintroducing foods into your diet as per our suggested approach, your adventure is simply continuing for the next few weeks.

grilled eggplantRecipe of the Day

Grilled Eggplant Slices

These eggplant slices will melt in your mouth.

Calories: 87; Fat: 7g; Carbohydrate: 7g; Protein: 1g


1 large eggplant (about 1 1/4 pounds)
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Freshly grated black pepper


1. Preheat a gas grill to high.
2. Slice eggplant 1/3″ to 1/2″ thick.
3. In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper.
4. Brush both sides of the eggplant slices with the mixture.
5. Place eggplant on the preheated grill.
6. If you wish to have nice grill lines, turn only once on each side.
7. Grill eggplant slices 10 to 14 minutes.

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about how you are feeling please remember that Brien is available throughout this program and can be contacted by phone at 650 654-4604. 

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.  Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.  She can be contacted at [email protected].

Supplement Regimen for Day 20


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Green Food 5 capsules 2 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
  Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Brien for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil 2 perles 2 times per day



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Brien Shamp