9/30/11 San Carlos Exercise Boot Camp- Fat Loss Challenge Day – Total Body : Push-Ups, Squats, Lunges, Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Spiderman Push-Ups, Burpees, High Knees
Warm-up (10 minutes)
1. Jumping Jacks: 10
2. Spiderman Pushups or regular pushups: 3 each side or 6
3. Walking Lunges: 10 steps total
4. Cross Over Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
5. Prisoner Bodyweight Squats – 10 reps
6. Burpees with One Arm Rotation- 4 reps total (2 on each side) *No Push-Up *Perform One Arm Rotation with Feet Wide *Keep Hips Stable
7. High Knees: 10 total. *With Arm swing
WOD: Perform the following exercises as fast as possible for 30 minutes. Count number of rounds.
Crazy-8 Bodyweight Circuit:
1. Jumping Jacks: 50 -Done as fast as possible, but make sure you do full jumping jacks.
2. Spiderman Pushups or regular pushups: 10 each side or 20 total http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPJSCntC77U
3. Walking Lunges: 30 steps total (15 each)
4. Cross Over Mountain Climbers – 20 reps total *Bring Right Knee Towards Left Elbow and Left Knee Towards Right Elbow
5. Prisoner Bodyweight Squats – 20 reps *Get to 90 degrees – sit into a bench as needed
6. TRX Rows-15 *Get Low
7. Burpees with One Arm Rotation- 10 reps total (5 on each side) *No Push-Up *Perform One Arm Rotation with Feet Wide *Keep Hips Stable
8. High Knees: 50 total. *With Arm swing *Toes Up
*With this program, you can literally do this circuit anytime, anywhere, with only one piece of equipment. If you don’t have a trx go to a playground and do some rows on one of the bars.
Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)
Try San Carlos Boot Camp: $1 for 1 Week Trial
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