
Do You Really Need That Supplement?

Happy Saturday,

Optimal Fitness Lifestyle Center works with a number of different supplement companies that have provided phenomenal results for OFLC Clients for years; however, Ultra Life supports the Personalized Metabolic Typing Program that is highly recommended at Optimal Fitness.

In the ideal world, everyone would have a customized nutrition and supplement program because we are all unique. We are unique genetically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and biochemically. In addtition our lifestyles are very different. If you really think about it, why would you purchase a supplement from a friend, family member, multi-level marketing rep, sales rep or practitioner who doesn’t know what your unique physiology needs?

The supplement world is a billion dollar industry and the interesting thing is many who take them have no idea if they work. I know you want the product to work given you spent the money for it.. but does it work? Do you still have those digestive problems (bloating, gas, heartburn, etc)? Do you still have those extra pounds? Do you still have trouble sleeping and lack energy? Are you still anxious and depressed? If yes, to any of the questions, your biochemistry is off.

Generally, one supplement will not fix the problem, but a comprehensive nutrition & lifestyle program with the needed supplementation will reduce most of the problems and allow you to feel better than ever. I see it everyday and I love seeing the smile’s and the achievement of one’s goals!

You can do it also. I am not a fan of guessing and expensive urine as a result. Many will tell you that you need this supplement to FIX you. Most likely it will not work. Let’s avoid the guessing and start testing. Let’s start with Metabolic Typing to find out what you really need for your unique physiology and then do the appropriate lab tests if needed to see what is going on.

If you have not done the Metabolic Typing Program, I would like you to once and for all figure out what fuel source you need to operate your system with efficiency. Stop getting tired after your meals, achieve consistent energy, decrease your weight blood pressure and more. Check out Metabolic Typing today.

If you have already completed the Metabolic Tying Program and you want to order supplements that are right for your Metabolic Type go to: Ultra Life

Contact me with any questions you have and if you are new to Optimal Fitness, contact me for a FREE Consultation so we can talk about a game plan for you to achieve your goals.

In Health,


P.S. Here is an article on why we need supplements: Do You Need Supplements?

P.S.S. Feel free to comment on this article below. I would love your input so the community can learn from your knowledge.