
Eat Clean to be Lean

You want to lose body fat and weight, and have been trying hard for months without success.

You’ve heard fitness people refer to ‘eating clean’ but what does that really mean?

The labels on hundreds of different food items proclaim to be ‘healthy’ but can you trust labels? There are so many misconceptions when it comes to what constitutes as clean eating.

What are you eating wrong?

Let’s dispel the myths and outline your simple, straightforward 3-step guide to eating clean and watch as the pounds melt off.

Step One: Steer Clear of Packaged Foods

Your worst enemy in the fight against weight gain is packaged foods. Yes, even those packages that are described as ‘healthy’.

Think of packaged food in these 3 categories:

  • Sweets:Cookies, brownies, muffins, cupcakes, donuts, candy and desserts. These packaged items are laced with sugar, toxic chemicals and bad fats, and lack any viable nutrient that your body actually needs. All the empty calories from these items will end up deposited on your waist and hips as stubborn fat.There’s never a good reason to eat these so-called foods.
  • Processed Grains:Crackers, breads, cereal, chips, instant oatmeal, most energy bars, and popcorn. This category is tricky because many of the packages are labeled as ‘heart healthy’ or ‘low fat’. The reality is that packaged, processed grains contain sugar and more carbohydrates than you need while striving to lose weight. Like the foods above, most are also irradiated to kill whatever live organisms there may be in the food and to extend shelf life.  And almost every food on a shelf now many contains genetically modified and toxic ingredients.If you have a weight loss goal then stay away from processed grains.
  • Whole Grains: Brown rice, wild rice, whole oats, quinoa, sprouted grain pasta, and sprouted grain bread. Here’s a category of packaged foods that you may be able to include in your clean diet. You don’t, however, have a free pass to eat as much of these items as you’d like. Whole grains and gluten free grains may be the rage, and while healthy and acceptable, are very calorie-dense and sugar dense. This means that a little bit goes a long way. Always remember, you can only handle so many carbohydrates (and so much sugar) per meal and per day. See Fat Loss Tip #2- Reduce Your Carbohydrates

Eat whole grains in moderation in order to meet your weight loss goals. For most people I recommend giving them up until they reach their fat and weight loss goals.

Step Two: Fill Up on Fresh Foods

Fresh vegetables and fruits are a huge part of your clean diet.

The nutrients and fiber found in these natural food items are vitally important for your fat and weight loss journey and your overall health.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in all shapes, sizes and colors.

The only ones that you need to limit are vegetables that are high in starch, such as potatoes and corn, and fruits that are very high in sugar, like pineapple and watermelon. Check out Fat Loss Tip #14- Avoid High Glycemic Carbohydrates For 5 Days

Step Three: Get Plenty of Protein & Good Quality Fats

The cornerstone of your clean diet should be organic lean protein & good quality fats.

Great examples are chicken breast, wild salmon, ground turkey, white fish fillet, whole beans, tempeh and eggs.

Protein & “The Good” Fats are what holds your clean eating plan together, for two main reasons.

  1. They satiate your hunger, keeping you full and keeping your blood sugar stable. This eliminates false hunger and prevents unnecessary snacking.
  2. They help to grow and maintain your muscle mass, which increases your resting metabolism. This means that your body will be naturally leaner.

For faster results, pair your clean eating with a challenging and fun exercise routine.

Call or email today and I’ll get you started on an exercise program that will make your goals a reality.

Your friend & coach,



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I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream  is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

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