
Fit Body Boot Camp Burlingame Fitness Trainer 3/15/16: Challenges Day 68: 36 Minute Core – Cardio Workout

See past video: https://brienshamp.com/2013/09/17/group-personal-training-san-carlos-boot-camp-91713-try-this-36-minute-core-cardio-program-to-burn-the-fat-away/

Phase 1: Warm-Up: Perform 3 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing while lying supine: Diaphragmatic Breathing Video
Lie on back and initiate breathing with belly–>rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest. Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 15s each breath (5s inhale–> 5s hold–> 5s exhale). Emphasize that campers do this upon rising and going to sleep and if they want an amazing shift in their state at any time, while breathing think about 3 things they are grateful for.

Phase 2: Floor Stretches (5 min) *Work on forearm/wrist mobility

Phase 3: Review WOD during phase 2 above and 3 as needed. Assign campers stations for the WOD. After review boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own.

CORE: Alternate the 12 exercises (6 Stations) two at a time for 3 Rounds for 50s in a circuit (rest 10 s in between)

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

Station 1:

  1. MB Lateral Shuffle with Partner or Wall (25s each direction) *Relax heels *2B’s *Stay low *Partners need to keep arms extended, hands open and in front of chest *Get out of corners quickly and give each other space *Stay close *To modify pass ball into wall and step right to left
  2. MB Carioca with Partner or Wall (25s each direction) *Relax heels *2B’s *Stay low *Partners need to keep arms extended, hands open and in front of chest *Modify with lateral movements without ball & partner

Station 2:

  1. Glider Body Saw *Keep Butt Down *Shift weight forward and back *3 B’s- stay tight *Perform on hands or elbows *Shoulders back & down *To make harder use 1 leg.
  2. Glider Standing Jumping Jacks (Hip AD/AD) *3 B’s- Stay tight *Shoulders back & down

Station 3:

  1. Speed Ladder-Forward Icky Shuffle (25s leading with each foot) *Relax heels *2B’s *Use rings to reduce space
  2. Speed Ladder-Backwards Icky Shuffle (25s leading with each foot) *Relax heels *2B’s

Station 4:

  1. TRX Mtn. Climber *Keep hips stable *Keep 3B’s *Stay tight *Head up, chest up, shoulders back & down
  2. TRX Leg Curls-alt legs *Keep hips stable *Hips Up Toes up *Keep core/hips stable *3B’s

Station 5: *Studio: do this in Monkey Bar Room as needed for space

  1. Swiss Ball Russian Twists *Rotate from core *Squeeze palms together to engage core *Keep hips up and level *Squeeze butt *3Bs
  2. Swiss Ball Lower Ab March *March slowly to attain balance *Back should be supported *Walk back to make harder *Extend arms overhead- elbows to ears *Tuck chin *Maintain belly & bladder engagement *Crunch higher to increase intensity *3 B’s- Stay tight *Shoulders back & down

Station 6:

  1. Jump Rope with Heel/Toe *Relax heels
  2. Jump Rope- Normal

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

Are you up for a challenge? Sign up for the 6-Week Boot Camp Body Transformation Challenge: 6-Week Body Transformation Challenge

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Fit Body Boot Camp is the only 30 minute group personal training program that’s fun, affordable, gives you fat loss results and challenges your body every time. Best of all, we guarantee you’ll be happy with the results or you get your money back.

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