
Halloween Hangover? Here is your cure.

So if you are anything like me a deviation in your normal eating pattern occurred last night and maybe even happened again tonight…

A little wine while your kids were trick or treating, you took a few of their candies when they weren’t looking…you know who you are.

Halloween for me always used to be a start of the sugar binge that carried through the rest of the year.

There is lots of fun to be had in these last two months, but it isn’t fun when you no longer have control and you can’t stop eating sugar, your sleep suffers and you lack the motivation to work out.

Fear not – I have the cure.

Step 1: Clean House
Give the sugar and processed crap away to a neighbor, donate it to the hungry or even better yet, ship it to the troops. Not that the sugar will help them optimize performance to defend our country, but a nice gesture nonetheless.

Step 2: Read my Fat Los Tip #12: If You Deviate, Get Back On The Horse ASAP!

Step 3: Drink More Water
Try to get as close to a gallon of water as you can. That’s only 8 tall glasses in the whole day.

Step 4: Get Your Butterfinger Butt to the Gym
If you are not a boot camp member, Sign up for the 6 Week Boot Camp Transformation Challenge: Transformation

I hope you had a great Halloween (I know I did). Check out the photos of our Halloween workouts here on our Facebook Page


Take a look at the rest of my fat loss tips here >>> Fat Loss Tips

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