
Member Video Update From Brien 3/30/18

Hey team,
Here our the latest member updates:

1. Spring is here- time to detox your world: home, office, fridge, pantry, closet, car, mind, etc…
2. Detox Programs: 10 Day Detox: https://brienshamp.com/10-day-detox-program/, 14 Day Detox: https://brienshamp.com/14-day-detox-program/https://brienshamp.com/detox/, 21 Day Detox: https://brienshamp.com/10-day-detox-program/
3. Next 6 Week Challenge Starts Monday
4. Refer a friend to challenge and get $50- if they join you will get an additional $100
5. Word of the week- Action! What have you been putting off that will allow you to move forward next quarter?
6. New bikes in Belmont.
7. New morning sessions at Harbor location? 510 am and 540 am? (35 min sessions)?

Please comment below.

Thank you!

Coach Brien