
Purification Support – Day 14

SPlogoWelcome to Day 14 of the Purification Program.

Congratulations!  Two weeks down, one to go!

After having a meal, have you ever experienced symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, congestion, pounding heart and so on.  These could all be indications of potential food allergies, along with other common symptoms including skin irritations such as rashes, hives, and eczema or gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

As your program draws to a conclusion, you are going to be reintroducing foods into your diet that you have not consumed in at least 3 weeks.  This reintroduction, if performed properly, is the perfect time to identify food allergies you may have.allergies

This leads us to our second recommendation for you (remember the first was making an appointment with your doctor in the next week).  We recommended that you plan to SLOWLY reintroduce items into your diet.  This is key, not just for identifying allergies, but also just to allow your body time to figure out how to process these foods properly.  After 3 weeks of healthy eating and training your body to release toxins you do not want to shock your system with all kinds of ‘bad’ food and drink.

One purification program graduate went to a gathering the day after she completed the detox.  Over the course of a few hours, she had several glasses of wine.  At the end of the night she wondered exactly how much she had consumed, so after doing the math (3 people, 3 bottles) she realized that she had the equivalent of a whole bottle to herself.  Although she is not allergic to red wine, within hours of drinking she developed a rash on both arms and her upper torso that lasted 2 days.  Her body was not able to cope with that much alcohol after 3 weeks of healthy eating and zero alcohol.

We will detail a reintroduction plan in more detail over the coming week.

How Should I Feel Today?

You should be feeling excellent, as detailed yesterday.  At this point (with 7 days to go) you should be starting to feel like your body can handle just about anything you throw at it.  Well, as detailed in the introduction above, you want to be careful.  Don’t get ahead of yourself.  Stay focused and no cheating!

Weight Loss

Are you still avoiding those cravings?  Getting your cravings under control while on the program will help you to carry on limiting those carb-heavy foods after Day 21.  If you are not using Gymnema, seriously consider adding it to your protocol (as always, after discussing with your health care professional).  If you don’t get your cravings under control now, you are likely to slip back into your old eating habits on Day 22. 


Don’t forget, ideally 50% or more of the vegetables you are consuming each day should be raw or lightly steamed. 

Recipe of the Day

Stir-Fried Tomatoes and Eggplant


Stir-Fried Tomatoes and Eggplant
1 tablespoon Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 medium sized eggplant, peeled and diced
1 medium onion, diced
1 celery stalk thinly sliced
1 28 oz. can of Organic diced tomatoes with juice
2 tablespoons Organic Red wine or Balsamic vinegar
2 finely sliced basil leaves or ¼ tsp. dried basil
2 teaspoons dried oregano
Salt and pepper to taste.


1. In a wok, heat the olive oil and stir fry the eggplant, celery and onion for 8-10 minutes.
2. Add remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes while stirring occasionally.
3. Serve immediately.

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about how you are feeling please remember that Brien is available throughout this program and can be contacted by phone at 650 654-4604. 

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.  Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.  She can be contacted at [email protected].

Supplement Regimen for Day 14


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Green Food 5 capsules 2 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
  Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Brien for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil 2 perles 2 times per day



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Brien Shamp