
Purification Support – Day 19

SPlogoWelcome to Day 19 of the Purification Program.

Today we are going to discuss the elimination/re-introduction protocol for identifying food intolerance and food sensitivities.

Remember: Always follow the advice and directions of your physician.  This protocol is not meant to treat any disease, but rather to support a healthy body.

You can download the full protocol along with tips and references (further reading) from our website at:


How Should I Feel Today?

You should continue to feel wonderful today.  As always, if you have questions about something that is concerning you, please contact Brien or contact our resident purification specialist Allison at [email protected].

Weight Loss

How are you looking?  What does the scale have to say?  How have you done with regards to weight loss during the program?  We’d love to hear from you and have you become a part of the Success Stories portion of our website when it launches.  Please send along any details you care to share such as starting weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, symptoms, etc along with where you end the purification.   If you have before and after pictures we can use, even better!  Your success will serve as an inspiration to others. 


With 3 days to go, make sure you have made all the necessary arrangements for gradually coming off the program.  Have you made any necessary doctor’s appointments?

Recipe of the Day

Fantastic Halibut

Absolutely delicious!  Start to marinate the fish at least two hours before you plan to serve it.

Calories: 227; Total Fat: 7g; Protein: 36g; Carbohydrate: 3g


3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
11/4 cup basil, fresh, chopped
1 1/2 lbs halibut fillets or steaks
1 tablespoon sea salt


1. Combine all ingredients except for fish in a shallow dish large enough to hold the halibut.
2. Place fish in the dish and marinate for at least two hours, turning once or twice.
3. Remove fish from marinade and broil or grill for about 5 minutes on each side (10 minutes total per inch of thickness).
4. Transfer fish to a serving dish.
5. Heat remaining marinade then pour over fish.
6. Serve while hot.

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about how you are feeling please remember that Brien is available throughout this program and can be contacted by phone at 650 654-4604. 

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.  Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.  She can be contacted at [email protected].

Supplement Regimen for Day 19


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Green Food 5 capsules 2 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
  Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Brien for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil 2 perles 2 times per day



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Brien Shamp