
Purification Support – Day 22

SPlogoCongratulations on successfully completing the 21-day Purification Program.

The key now is to incorporate what you have learned during this liver detoxification into your daily life.

Over the past week we have suggested an approach to re-introducing foods.  To assist in identifying potential food reactions, we have assembled a table adapted from Basics of Food Allergies, by Dr. James Breneman.

This table correlates allergic reactions with common offenders including the frequency of the time interval between when the food is eaten and when the symptoms begin to appear.  One can see that some reactions such as heartburn may occur very shortly after eating a particular food offender and other reactions may not present for days.  These reactions can be very difficult to assess and often go incorrectly diagnosed.  Unless there is some suspicion and some type of thorough evaluation, such reactions can be ascribed to many things other than the real cause.

Download the table from our website and keep it handy as you reintroduce foods.  Enjoy!


Supplement Regimen for Post-Purification

If you have not already begun your regular supplement regimen during the final week of the purification program, you should do so today.  At a minimum, you should be adding a whole food multi-vitamin such as Catalyn to your daily diet.  If your goal is weight loss, remember there are additional supplements which you should also begin taking (review Weight Loss tips from Days 8-10).  Ask Brien to recommend the right supplements for you.

Catalyn 6 tablets per day

When Should I Do the Program Again?

It is recommended that you go through the 21-day purification program at least once every 12 months.  However, several patients find that they prefer to go through it once every 6 months, as it helps them to ‘reset’ and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Take it slow when reintroducing foods.  The key is to not overdo it!

Brien Shamp

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  Benjamin Franklin

The key to good health is consulting with your health care professional on a regular basis, not simply when you do not feel good.  Brien is available to assist you with any questions you may have about losing weight, improving your immune system, developing a healthy diet, etc.  Take advantage of this valuable resource.