
Purification Support – Day 9

SPlogoWelcome to Day 9 of the Purification Program.

Did you know the first recorded case of Myocardial infarction (Heart Attack due to clogging of the arteries) was in 1928 in the US?  What do you suppose people ate back before the 1920’s?  Well, they ate butter, lard, eggs, meat and so on.  What they didn’t eat was margarine, corn oil, processed sugar, bleached wheat and pasteurized dairy.  To top it off, they got quite a bit of exercise just going about their normal routine.

Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases are all skyrocketing today.  Of course stress is a major contributor to this, but we would do well to eat more like our ancestors and avoid the “bankrupt” foods being marketed to us today as ‘healthy’.  It is less expensive to eat well and certainly lends to greater health.

As always, be skeptical and do your own research.  This is the only way to truly feel comfortable about ignoring ‘trends’ and sticking to the basics.

How Should I Feel Today?

There are usually no major developments around day 9.  You should basically be feeling the same way you have for the past few days and probably will for the next few days. 

Weight Loss

As you progress through this program, you may desire to add additional weight loss support products.  You can do this during the purification program or afterwards.  These products are available from your health care provider.  Continuing on from our discussion yesterday, today we discuss the second body type.

If your weight is primarily in your belly (i.e. it sags over your waist), is on your shoulders, or you have a ‘buffalo hump’ you are most likely experiencing adrenal weakness.

Discuss the following protocol with your health care provider.

For Men:

Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex 2 tablets twice per day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon)

For Women:

Withania Complex 2 tablets twice per day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon)


Although it is best to make your shakes up fresh, you can also make a large enough batch to last you through the day.  Just make sure to keep it refrigerated, and remix it as needed before pouring.soup 

Recipe of the Day

Saturday Vegetable Soup (Makes about 6 servings)


2 boxes Pacific Natural Foods brand Organic Vegetable Broth (8 cups)
1 16 oz. bag 365 Organic brand frozen organic vegetable blend (includes broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, green bean, & bell pepper)
1 10 oz. bag Cascadian Farm Organic brand frozen Chinese-style stir-fry blend (includes green beans, broccoli, carrots, red peppers, onions, mushrooms, & bamboo shoots)
4 cloves of organic garlic, minced (optional)
1/2 large organic onion, diced
1/2 organic green pepper, diced
1 bunch organic celery, diced
4 tbsp. organic, unsalted butter
Sea salt or Herbamare


1. Chop up the onion, green pepper and celery.  Set aside in a bowl.
2. In a large skillet, place butter over medium/high stove and heat until completely melted.
3. Add the chopped onion, green pepper, and celery and saute until soft.
4. Sprinkle sea salt over the contents to taste.
5. Stir in a splash of vegetable broth and lower heat to simmer.
6. In a large slow cooker, add both bags of frozen vegetables.
7. Pour 1 box of vegetable broth over the frozen vegetables (don’t worry that the broth doesn’t completely cover the vegetables).
8. Add the contents of the skillet to the slow cooker.
9. Pour in the remaining box of vegetable broth.
10. Set the slow cooker to high stirring occasionally.
11. Cook for about 2 hours or until vegetables are softened. DO NOT OVERCOOK

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about how you are feeling please remember that Brien is available throughout this program and can be contacted by phone at 650 654-4604.

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.  Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.  She can be contacted at [email protected].

Supplement Regimen for Day 9


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Green Food 5 capsules 2 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
  Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Brien for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema  1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil 2 perles 2 times per day



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Brien Shamp