
San Carlos Boot Camp 11/18/11- Tough Mudder Pre-Thanksgiving Challenge

San Carlos Boot Camp 11/18/11- Tough Mudder Pre-Thanksgiving Challenge

Warm-up (10 minutes)

Core (8 Min): Perform 2 Sets of the Following:

1.    Supine Bridges with Straight Leg Raise: 30s Each Side *Hips Level *Keep Butt Up *Get a good stretch with leg going up & down

2.    Supine Oblique Crunch: 30s Each Side * Lie with your upper back in a supine position with your knees and hips bent. Lower your legs to the left side at a 90° angle in the hip. Flex your waist to raise your upper torso a few inches off the ground while focusing your attention on the right oblique. Control the movement back down to the ground and repeat. Repeat on the right side.

3.    Prone Back Extensions: 60s *Open arms to sides and lift upper body  *Lift legs also *Legs Straight *Toes Flexed (Hold 3s) *Relax Shoulders

4.    Side Plank Drop: 30s Each Side *Lock *Perform on hand or elbow


1.    Squats: 10

2.    Split Squats: 10 Each Side

3.    Forward-Back Jacks:15

4.    Lower Ab Raises: 10

5.    Push-Ups: 10

6.    Sit Up:10

Perform the following workout as fast as possible until complete. Perform the walk/jog/sprint portion for 4 laps- goal is 1/4 mile. Campers can alternate the two strength exercises after walk/jog/sprint as needed to finish each station.

            1.  Walk/Jog/Sprint-4 Laps

Ball Push-Ups: 50

Squats:50 *Add weight if tolerated *Goal is speed with good form
2. Walk/Jog/Sprint-4 Laps

Pull-Ups (Neutral Grip): 50 *Palms facing each other

MB/SB Split Squats: 25 Each Side *Place MB/SB on Each Shoulder of Back Leg

3. Walk/Jog/Sprint-4 Laps

Jump Rope: 50 Double Unders or 100 Regular Jumps

MB Wall Sit Up Toss: 50

4. Walk/Jog/Sprint-4 Laps

TRX Triceps & Biceps: 25 Each

Lower Ab Raises: 50  *Ideally Keep Legs Straight- Riase and Lower Legs *To increase difficulty lower legs towards ground *Start the movement in raised position to focus on stability needed to go down. *Keep 3 B’s-make sure spine is imprinted *Relax Neck & Shoulders *Elevate Upper Body into Crunch to Make More Difficult

Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Try Burlingame Boot Camp for One Week for Only $1: https://brienshamp.com/burlingame-fit-body-boot-camp/

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