
San Carlos Boot Camp- Fat Loss Challenge Day 10/14/11 – Total Body Workout: 650 REPS + 1 Mile


10/14/11 San Carlos Boot Camp- Fat Loss Challenge Day – Total Body Workout: 650 REPS + 1 Mile

Preparation: Perform movements below for 5-10 reps

Campers partner up with someone of about their same fitness level. Each person must complete the given number of reps before moving on to the next exercise. Campers can rest when needed, but their overall goal is to finish this workout in their best time possible as a team!

1.¼ mile run * 3 laps (inside or outside)

2.100 squats *Get to 90 degrees- use a bench/ball/matt as a target as needed

3.100 mountain climbers (50 on each side) *Stay Low

4. ¼ mile run * 3 laps

5.100 crunches with legs straight up in the air (flexed feet) *Touch fingers to toes

6.50 inverted rows *Use  TRX or Bar at Gymnastics Facility *Make it tough to do 10- they should have to rest after about 10 reps

7. ¼ mile run * 3 laps

8. 100 walking lunges (50 on each side)

9. 50 floppee burpees *Touch the ground with chest *Not a push-up but a get up

10. ¼ mile run * 3 laps

11. 50 reverse hyperextensions *Use gymnastics horse (at gymnastics facility), a ball or a high matt *When using ball put elbows on ground

12.100 mb seated russian twists (50 on each side) *extend arms to make harder *Sit tall
Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Try Burlingame Boot Camp for One Week for Only $1: https://brienshamp.com/burlingame-fit-body-boot-camp/

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