
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day 12/20/2010

SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day 12/20/10

Theme: Total Body Workout-Opposing Muscle Circuit 


*Perform the following in a group

1. Walking Lunges with Arm Raise: 10 each side
2. Inchworm: 5 *See video for form: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ncHhj4FjFE
3. Walking Single Leg Deadlift: 10 each *Hinge from hip and try to touch ground keeping back straight *Alternate legs
4. March–>High Knee Skip–>High Knee Run–>Forwards Jog–>Backward Jog–> Lateral Shuffle–> Carioca (10 Yards Each)* Perform drills for about 10 yards. Perform 1-2x each.
5. Group Relay Drill -Liners (5x) *Groups of 3-4 people to allow adequate rest

WOD: Perform the following exercises in a circuit for 1 min each for 2-3 rounds

  1. Battle Ropes: Standing Rotation (30s only) *Move from core *Should need rest so only 30s *2 people per rope
  2. Band Push and Rotate (30s each side)
  3. Swiss Ball Single Leg Squat (30s each side)
  4. Singe Leg Deadlift (30s each side) *Hinge from hip and try to touch ground keeping back straight
  5. TRX One Arm Row (30s each side)
  6. Side Plank with Groin Hold onto Matt (30s on each side) *Modify by bending knees, doing side plank on ground or putting bottom foot on bleacher to take off weight.
  7. Lateral Side Step

If you can not see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

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In Fitness & Health,

Brien Shamp
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp

P.S. Remember Every Saturday @ 7 am-FREE Community SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp *We would like to see a big crowd to get the bay area fit. Please tell a friend.

P.S.S. Become a Fan of Brien Shamp and SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp on Facebook