
Sometimes The Hardest Part Is Shifting Your Brain Into A New Mode

Thank you Melissa for the testimonial below which was triggered by the blog post “Ready for Change”.

I have been in the health & fitness industry for 26 years and I was very hesitant to dive into the mindset side of the equation because I thought I could dazzle people with my knowledge of fitness, nutrition and an overall holistic approach. My work with Tony Robbins and others in the mindset space over the last few years have made me realize that this is actually more important than anything else. Change your thoughts and beliefs and you change your outcomes.

“Brien, This might be one of your best emails yet!! Sometimes the hardest part is shifting your brain into a new mode–the change is more there than anywhere, and there is a single tipping point when you decide you’re going to make changes and stick with them. For me, the tipping point was seeing myself in a group picture, where I was the fattest woman in the group, except for one other who is notorious for making lots of excuses and leaning on everyone else. I just couldn’t accept being in the let-yourself-go group!

You have helped me train my brain to see sugar and simple wheat-based starches as the poison that they are, and to look forward to steamed veggies and brown rice! You gave me the license to eat butter again (banned in the 80’s). I still want a bite of burger, bacon and ice cream sometimes, but just a bite or two is enough!

I try not to get mad at the well-meaning sugar-pushers, and I certainly will no longer be one myself! Now I have to restrain myself from being the kill-joy sugar-objector at a desert festival! This year I will be the parent who brings fruit to the annual camping trip! And this year I will look good in my bathing suit too! More effort to get & stay fit, but well worth it. Fewer back aches & happier shopping trips! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

– Melissa

Your friend & coach,


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The boot camp sessions are approximately 45-50 minutes long. Each session includes a 10-15 minute warm up phase with mobility and core movements to prepare you for the 30 minute metabolic workout, and then it ends with a 5 minute cool down phase.

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