
The Truth About Stevia—The So-called"Healthy"AlternativeSweetener

I hope you had a great Monday!

I think everyone knows sugar doesn’t do the body good, but what is the alternative?

Should you use aspartame, sucralose, xylitol, stevia and the many other artificial sweeteners out there? Maybe you should avoid them all to be safe?

If you are like me always looking for the best for my body, but have a sweet tooth, I have tried them all. Back in the day I used to consume diet sodas with aspartame and then the research came out stating we should avoid it. Next, sucralose hit the scene and then that was considered a neurotoxin also.

Now, we have a few more sweeteners on the market. In my household, we use xylitol for our mouthwash & the occasional gum (which has been shown to be effective as an anti-bacterial), Lakanto for baking and stevia in many products (whey protein powders, sodas and liquid drops). At my party on Sunday (which was great btw) I added some liquid lemon stevia to my mineral water to create a pseudo lemonade. My kids and I love it and it doesn’t have sugar.

I have talked to many that are not fans of stevia because of its sweetness and after taste, but I believe if people choose the liquid stevia drops they will like it better than the powder.

Here is a great article on stevia:


Stevia seems to be a safe and healthy alternative to sugar to date.

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


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