
Tony Robbins 5-Step Ultimate Success Formula (Holiday Belly Burn (HBB) Orientation Group Call)

For those of you that want success and want it quick, listen to my coaching call on Tony Robbins’s 5-Step Ultimate Success Formula below. This call recorded for those doing the Holiday Belly Burn Program, but it truly can help anyone who wants to achieve a goal.

I spent most of the call covering the psychology needed to create success for this and every other weight loss/fat loss program. The mechanics of the program (exercise, nutrition, sleep, water intake, meditation) are the easy part.

Tony Robbins says that regardless of what the goal is, it is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics to achieve the goal.

For the exercise part of the program, do your best to work out daily for at least 30 minutes per day.

If you are one of my clients, keep it simple and come to as many sessions as possible. Don’t overthink this and try to figure out what to do. Show up and my coaches and I will tell you what to do.

The nutrition part is easy also if you have a structured plan which I provide for all of my clients.

Remove the foods you shouldn’t be eating from your home/work/car/bag, buy the approved foods, prepare the food and eat the food. Just follow the approved food list and you are set.

Do your best to get 8 hours sleep per night.

Work on slow, deep breathing anywhere and everywhere.

Drink 2 glasses of water as soon as you wake up and 1 glass before each meal.

The hard part, but most important variable, is the psychology which I need you to master for success (although this is really the life-long work.)

We covered the 5 Step – Ultimate Success Formula in this coaching call:

  1. Know your Outcome. Be specific on WHAT you want!
  2. Know your WHY. When you know your why, the how’s will work itself out.
  3. Take Massive Action.
  4. Know What Your Getting. You need to assess your progress. If you want to lose weight and body fat, you need to measure before you start, each Monday morning, and then again at the end of your program.
  5. Change your Approach. Based upon your assessment of your progress, you may need to work on some new strategies or beliefs. If you have hit a plateau or find yourself spiraling downhill, this is the time to ask for help. Spiraling often happen because we missed our opportunity to assess and missed the plateau that happened before the spiral.
  6. Most important… Don’t Quit!

See this blog post for even more great coaching infor: How to Change Your Emotional State in Seconds

My team and I are to help each step of the way! Just call us at (650) 654-4604 or email at [email protected]>.

Coach Brien

Telephone: 650-654-4604
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