
Want to get in shape for summer?

I’ve got just the no-fail fat loss plan to get you there. Follow these 5 steps to transform your body over the next 8 weeks…

1. Go Gluten Free: Going gluten free for a couple of months is such a simple way to accelerate fat loss. Just think of all the extra carbs and calories that you’ll be saving yourself from. And it’s not so bad, once you get used to it. Wrap sandwiches and burgers in lettuce or on top of a pile of greens.

2. Exercise 5x’s Each Week: Take the next couple of months to really focus your efforts in the gym. Train as if you were preparing yourself for an athletic event, with the mindset that each and every workout is important in seeing you through your goal. Make a log of each time that you exercise, noting the duration, intensity and activity.

3. Go Sugar Free: Sugar is the biggest thing holding you back when it comes to dropping fat and getting lean. And not just refined sugar. I’m talking about all sugars. Cut out all sweeteners and limit your intake of sweet fruits to no more than 2 per day.. This may be hard at first, especially if you have a sweet tooth, but the rapid change in your body is fantastic incentive to keep going.

4. Enjoy High Quality Protein, Fats and Veggies: Enough about all the things you can’t eat, let’s talk about what you can eat. Your meals should be a variety of protein, fat and veggies. For protein and fat stick with organic, hormone-free meat that has been roasted, baked or grilled. Other non-meat fats are avocados, olives and coconut. For veggies, avoid starchy veggies stick with an assortment of colorful, fiber-filled veggies.

5. Join My Program: The quickest way to get your body into tip-top shape is to join one of my transformation programs​. I’m here to get you into the best shape of your life, with my proven, effective system. Make the commitment now, and together we can make the body of your dreams a reality.

So there you have it, 5 simple steps to transforming your body before summer vacation!

Remember, the next 8 weeks are going to pass whether you jump on board with a health & fitness plan or not. So, you’re going to spend the time simply getting older and more out-of-shape OR you could buckle down and finally make your amazing transformation.

The choice is yours.

I’m here to see you through it all. Call or email now and let’s get started!

Some of Our Recent Transformations…

Main Headquarters:

603 Harbor Blvd
Belmont, CA 94002

Ph: 650-654-4604

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Met-Rx “World’s Best Personal Trainer”, 2000
“Best in the Bay” for Weight Loss by KRON 4, 2009
“Top 10 Personal Trainers” by PFT Magazine, 2011
“Best Boot Camp” by SF A-List, 2014 & 2016

Brien Shamp’s Fitness, Nutrition & Coaching

Your Fit Lifestyle

When you decide to focus on body transformation, something amazing is going to happen. You’re going to learn how to live lean, and as you watch the fat melt away you’re going to want to stick with it. Past 30 days. Past 60 days.

Once you get into the groove of health and fat loss, the momentum will carry on.

And as a result you’ll live out your days in amazing shape, loving life.

Hey, don’t say I didn’t warn you!