
What’s Your Decision?

Hey team!

How’s 2020 going?

Round 2 of the new 28 Day New Year Challenge is starting on Monday, January 13th!

This can be done online if you are not a Silicon Valley resident.

Imagine, 12 months from now.

The end of 2020.

You’re sitting at a beautiful dinner table.

Your loved ones are there. Your best friends.

You go around the table and talk about everything you LOVED about 2020.

When it’s your turn, you talk about how THIS year was finally YOUR year.

You share your gratitude for all your blessings, progress, relationships, and opportunities.

You also talk about that ONE DECISION you made, all those months ago, in January 2020.

The DECISION you made to finally MAKE YOU A PRIORITY!

The year you mastered your mindset and improved your sleep, nutrition & fitness.

The year you felt in control of life instead of being overwhelmed. 

The year you overcame self-doubt. Asked for help. Got coaching.

The year you became more alive. More connected. More fulfilled.

The year you invested in YOURSELF, so you that could level up to the person you were meant to be.

You feel proud of how far you came.

Happy you focused this year on your 7 Daily Primal Needs!

Amazed by your progress, fitness, body and overall health!

That’s a scene I want for you.

​The holidays are over, which means it’s time to take care of you again before things get too far out of hand!

The 28 Day New Year Challenge ​can help you lose 10-20 lbs. and 1-2 dress sizes (if you wear a dress ) and create amazing habits you need to take care of you for life…. ​

By focusing on the little things daily (breathing, hydration, sleep & food intake) you will clear your mind, have a flatter stomach and more energy.

The 28 days are just the beginning. This challenge incorporates strategies you should do for a lifetime.

The 2nd round of the 28 Day New Year Challenge is starting this Monday!!!

The 28 Day Challenge is a comprehensive 28-day transformation program for women & men that includes the following:

  • Low inflammatory meal plan with phenomenal recipes you will use for years to come
  • Home meal delivery service if desired
  • Recommended supplementation
  • 3 fat-burning & body sculpting workouts each week + home workouts if desired
  • Pre & post Fit3D Body Scans​​, so you can assess your progress
  • Support and daily inspiration to help you feel FABULOUS, look AMAZING, & have more CONFIDENCE at the end of the 28 days!

​We are very excited to get you started on Monday.

Simply reply to this email with your decision to make yourself a priority by saying “I AM A PRIORITY!”

We will get back to you ASAP with the details for your start.

Talk soon!

Coach Brien

P.S. Please share this with your friends and let’s have some fun together!