
Coach Brien Shamp’s Livestream Saturday Strength~Core~Cardio 1/30/21

Ideally, warm-up prior with self-massage and mobility exercises. See this post: How To Prepare For Workouts

WOD: Alternate the following 8 Exercises two at a time for 40s with 10s Rest for 4 Sets each.

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s Work, 10s Rest, 8 Sets, 30s Transition Time after Completing all 8 Sets*

**Heart Rate Monitor Zone: 3-5. Get the heart rate up during this time to an anaerobic zone (non-conversational intensity). Zones 4-5 are generally anaerobic zones. Zone 3 is an aerobic zone. Encourage clients to work in zones 4 & 5 for 10 minutes or more as tolerated**

  1. Split Squats w. DB/KB/SB/Heavy Object Biceps Curls (20s Each Side): *Keep Head Back & Eyes Forward *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Knee Tracking *Drop Back Knee to Floor *Modify without Weight *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  2. Plank Floor Jacks: *While in Plank Position on Elbows or Hands, bring Legs Out & In (AB & AD) *Keep Hips Up *Straight Legs *Keep Hands Lower than Chest *Keep Head Back & Eyes Forward *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Corkscrew Elbows In *Modify with hands or elbows on elevated surface like a couch *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  3. KB/DB/Heavy Object 1 Arm Deadlift (Bent Knees) (20s Each Side): *Start with KB on Ground between Ankles > High Hinge of Hips  > Lift Collar Bones 1” *Lock Shoulder Blades Back & Down > Control Down > Repeat *Modify by placing KB on a higher surface *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  4. Swiss Ball/Glider Leg Curls: *Digs Heels into Center of Ball *Legs Straight *Bridge & Curl Heels to Butt *Use Hands as needed to assist *Modify with Bridge only or Curls with Butt on Floor *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  5. Band/DB/Weighted Object Single Leg, Straight Leg Deadlifts w. Bent Over Reverse Fly’s: Start with feet & knees together and bend one knee > Hinge from Hips & Lower > Straight Arms Hang Below Chest > Pull Arms Apart > Squeeze Shoulder Blades > Return to Start > Squeeze Glutes > Repeat *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Keep Head Back & Eyes Forward *Modify without weight or Regular Straight Leg Deadlifts with 2 Legs *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  6. Jump Rope Variations: *Keep Head Back & Eyes Forward *Hands Relaxed, Hip Height *Relax Heels *Small Hops *Modify without Rope *Breathe rhythmically

  7. Prone One Arm Foam Roll/Ball Push-Ups (Alt. Sides): *Hand on top of Ball or Foam Roll and under shoulder  *Roll MB/Roll to other hand after push-up to make easier *Wide feet *Lift collar bones 1” *Corkscrew elbows *Modify on Knees *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  8. Dance Club Jumps *Breathe rhythmically

    **Perform Additional Cardio if Time Permits**

I hope that you get a chance to give this workout a try soon.

Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new Coaching Program starting Monday!

APPLY HERE>>> Brien Shamp’s Transformation Coaching Interview​​

​​I’d love to help you achieve your best self!

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Your friend & coach,


Telephone: 650-654-4604

About Brien


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