Over-worked? Over-committed? Over-whelmed? Sleep deprived? Stressed? I have that!
Isn’t it funny when people say they have what you have? I hear all this all the time with injuries. In this case, they probably do.
There is lot’s going on right now that can create havoc or stress to our bodies and we are all affected. Some of our stress could relate to media hype or possible future natural disasters: earthquake, tsunami, tornado, snow storm, water shortage, oil shortage, WWIII, or terrorist attacks.
Many times I think we are better off not knowing about these events.
Then we have the stress over things more in our control like deadlines at work, over-spending and under-producing, fatigue, lack of sleep, relationship stress, lack of exercise, too much exercise, bad posture, poor quality of nutrition, wrong fuel source like too many carbs, not enough carbs, overcooking food, electromagnetic radiation-cell phones and wireless technology.
Here is a big question that could cause someone stress:
What is your purpose in life and are you on the right path?
My # 1 solution to my questions and stress in my life is a practice of daily meditation and a weekly visit, if possible to Mercy Center in Burlingame. I also have an amazing spiritual Director that keeps me in check!
If you live in the Bay Area , this is a hidden jewel that has world renown programs and retreats on spiritual development, religious studies and overall personal growth. Even if you do not take any of their programs, the grounds of Mercy Center are absolutely beautiful, grounding and energizing. This is a special place and I invite you to check it out.
I did a video below at the Mercy Center Labyrinth. This is one of my solutions for peace in this chaotic world. The reason for the video is I wanted to capture the beauty on this given day.
The sun was out, the flowers were in bloom and you will see the tranquil grounds complete with both a Buddha and a Cross. Regardless of your religious beliefs you can walk the labyrinth and achieve the answers that you are searching. Please ignore my um’s throughout the video (terrible public speaking I know-I didn’t want to do it over and make it perfect).
Bring a journal, sit on one of the benches and reflect on your day, the day before or the week. Think about everything that has happened to you from the time you woke up on the day you are reflecting on. Think about all the interactions you had with your friends, family members, co-workers, strangers, etc. What are you grateful for? What were the challenges of the day? Journal those things you find important. What else is coming up for you? Are you stuck somewhere in life? Work issues? Relationship Conflict? Financial stress? Are questions coming up for you that you need resolved? These are the questions to jot in your journal and take to the labyrinth.
Start at the entrance of the labyrinth, pray for answers to your questions and just ask for help with whatever you are searching. I find that whenever I ask for help, I get what I need, but I typically wait longer than I should. Surrender to a higher force and see what you come up with.
- Walk the labyrinth with an open mind and heart. Slow your breath and create a rhythm with your breathing. Take your time as you ask the question you came to find an answer for. Do your best to quiet your mind about other issues going on. Start with one or two things you are looking for answers on. If you get an answer, move onto additional questions or get into a conversation. For me, it is a conversation with God.
When you arrive to the center of the labyrinth, you will see a large rock. Put your hands on the rock and again slow your breath. Feel the energy of the rock and all those before you who have also come searching for answers. Ask your questions, feel the connection of your hands to the rock and the earth to your feet (some even walk the labyrinth without shoes-very painful experience I will not do again).
- Exit the center of the labyrinth and re-trace your steps listening for answers to your questions. Answers may come in the form of a vision, an idea, a conversation, an interaction later in the day, a dream, a drawing, a song, etc.
Before you leave at the exit of the labyrinth be grateful for the time you were there and the guidance you received.
- Journal your experience.
I have seen people do a Zen meditation on the labyrinth, walking with precision as they coordinated their breathing and their footwork. Others I have seen do Chi Gong and others have danced. There is no wrong way to do it. Ask for help, listen and have an open mind. If you think I am crazy, maybe I am, but it is great to get answers to the questions I am searching for. I hope the process will do the same for you.
For more on Mercy Center’s Programs, Retreats and Resources go to: http://www.mercy-center.org/index.html
You can also e-mail me and I can guide you to the best person to talk with depending on your goals.
Related article: Live in the Present Moment
Your friend & coach,
Telephone: 650-654-4604
About Brien
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