I help my clients burn fat, tone up their arms, legs, butt and abs all the time.
It’s what I do as personal trainer, nutrition & lifestyle coach – and I LOVE it.
But most trainers are also scientists in a way.
We like to experiment and research with different styles of working out to see how we can deliver FASTER RESULTS.
I’ve been known to try many different training and nutrition programs in search of the perfect fitness and fat loss solution.
In fact my regular clients are often times my guinea pigs, but they don’t mind because they benefit from the results.
Up until now, my best “fast results” program has been my 21 Day Detox Program combined with the Boot Camp Programs.
This nutrition-lifestyle-exercise combo creates fat loss success every time.
And if you’ve ever done one of my combination programs then you know how quickly the results can come because of the type of training we do and the nutrition coaching we deliver.
B-U-T sometimes you don’t have the money to spend for this amazing combo, which values at $477 for the 21 days.
Sometimes you need $477 worth of results, but have a limited budget and there is a need to do something now because summer is fast approaching.
And that was the challenge I put myself up to.
I wanted to see if I would be able to come up with a workout and nutrition coaching program that could deliver just as amazing results as my popular 21 Day Detox Program combined with the Boot Camp Programs… but with a price under $100 to get you moving since summer is just around the corner.
And since it’s bikini and swim suit season, this is the perfect program at the perfect time!
I’ve even named it the “21 Day Bikini Body Program” 🙂
So, you’re probably wondering three more things…
1. How does the program work?
2. When does it start?
3. What is the price?
First off the program consists of you working out at any of the following locations:
Community Street Jam in Redwood City-Redwood City Boot Camp
849 Veterans Blvd
6:00-6:50 am: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
San Mateo Gymnastics in Belmont-Belmont Boot Camp
1306 Elmer Street
6:00-6:50 am & 7:10-8:00 am: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Twin Pines Park @ The Meadow in Belmont -Belmont Boot Camp
30 Twin Pines Lane
9:30-10:20 am: Monday, Wednesday & Friday. *Baby Sitting Opportunity for $5
Accel Gymnastics in Burlingame- Burlingame Boot Camp
888 Hinckley Road
6:00-6:50 am & 7:10-8:00 am: Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday & Friday
Arrillaga Family Gymnasium in Menlo Park-Menlo Fit Boot Camp
600 Alma Street
6:00-6:50 am, 7:00-7:50 am, 8:00 – 8:50 am and 9:00-9:50 am: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.
3-5 days per week for the next three weeks (21 days from your start date on June 18th).
Now, the workouts will be fun, high energy, and challenging. These workouts will combine my new model that we have been testing the last 3 weeks. We are doing more core & cardio and finishing in less time.
Don’t worry, you can work at your own fitness level. But you can expect to be motivated and encouraged to challenge yourself.
Now the key to the success of this three-week rapid fat loss system and total body toning program is the coveted “After Burn Effect”. This is where we train you in a specific way so that we not only get the most muscle toning and fat loss out of every workout..
…but we also make sure that you enter “After Burn.” this is when you still have an elevated metabolism for a period of 20 hours or so even after your workout, which means more fat burning effect then just your typical run-of-the-mill workout.
The type of training we do together is what’s going to put your body into “After Burn” and that’s the secret to faster results in a lot less time.
So like I said… better workouts + motivation = faster results.
Now, if you want to get into your swimsuit or bikini before summer gets into full swing then I suggest you seriously consider doing this 21 Day Bikini Body Program.
When does it start?
The 21 Day Bikini Body Program starts this coming Monday, June 18th and I have a feeling it’s going to be even more popular than my 21 Day Detox+ Boot Camp combo.
What does this 21 day body toning, fat melting program cost?
I think this is the best part! Because the entire program is under $100.
In fact it’s actually only $97 for all three weeks and that includes…
– Workouts for the entire 21-day period.
– Meal plan coaching (so you burn even more fat) *This program will include my 5 Day Detox– yes I know it is 5 days and the program is 21 days. You will do the 5 Day Program for 3 Weeks and all will be great. My wife (on the right) has been on this for months and has had amazing success. She even has a glass of wine on the weekends (Not recommended for everyone 🙂 )
– and tons of accountability and guidance
So, if you can work out 3-5 days per week for the next 21 days starting this coming Monday, June 18th. Then I want you to join the bikini body program before it sells out.
Just email me at beshamp@brienshamp-com.wp3.staging-site.io, with your preferred location to hold your spot.
Current personal training clients, monthly and yearly boot camp members are already in the boot camp program and you will receive the 5 Day Detox at no charge upon email request.
Looking forward to helping you get your summer body on!
Your friend & coach,
Join me on Facebook (click here) for answers to all your health, fitness, and nutrition questions.
Please Write Me a Review on Yelp: Belmont Boot Camp, Burlingame Boot Camp, Redwood City Boot Camp, Personal Training & Nutrition
I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.
Thank you for allowing me to help you.
Check our life-changing fitness and nutrition programs to help you live your healthiest, fittest, and most energetic life ever!
Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach
www.10 DayDetox.com