I know you have received more than enough info on Coronavirus, but I have a trusted source of info for you from our Pediatrician Dr. Elisa Song here: Fight Fear With Facts.
This article is the most comprehensive resource I have seen to date and I feel it is a MUST READ so you understand the facts and have less fear.
Most important, don’t panic….
“If you or your child have cold or flu symptoms, chances are that you have a cold or the flu!”
“Remember the vast majority of people appear to have mild illness, especially children. Researchers are investigating what makes certain populations more vulnerable to severe illness. However, we know from other viral illnesses that there are ways to reduce our susceptibilities to serious illness.”
There is much more that can be done than simply washing your hands and not touching your face.
Dr. Song shares her knowledge on healing foods, supplements, avoiding sugar, getting sleep and the importance of moderate-intensity exercise.
I have shared this with many lately: “Avoid simple sugars and processed/junk food. Did you know that your blood shows lab evidence of a lowered immune system within 30 minutes of eating simple sugars (like glucose, refined sugar, and fructose), and causes a 50% reduction in your white blood cells’ abilities to kill germs? White blood cells are our “army” cells that fight off germs. This effect is most noticeable 2 hours after ingestion, but is still present 5 hours later! Keeping blood sugar levels healthy has been shown to improve immune system activity.”
Check out the best real-time global Coronavirus tracker from Johns Hopkins University and more ways to reduce your exposure from Dr. Song here: Fight Fear With Facts.
Based upon Dr. Song’s recommendations here are supplements from Metagenics to consider to enhance your immune system:
- Vitamin C: https://bshamp.metagenics.com/
ultra-potent-c-1000 - Probiotic: https://bshamp.metagenics.com/
ultraflora-immune-booster - Zinc: https://bshamp.metagenics.com/
zinc-a-g - Vitamin D: https://bshamp.metagenics.com/
d3-5000-k or https://bshamp.metagenics.com/metakids-d3-liquid (kids) - Fish Oils: https://bshamp.metagenics.com/
omegagenics-epa-dha-720 or https://bshamp.metagenics.com/metakids-baby-dha-and-d3 (kids)
*Use the above links to get 10% off on all Metagenics Products.
I hope you have more clarity around the Coronavirus and less fear.
Thank you Dr. Song for this resource.
Your friend & coach,
Telephone: 650-654-4604
About Brien
We have opened up 15 more spots for our 28 Day Spring Detox starting Monday, March 16th.
Do you want to lose 10+ lbs and at least 1 clothing size in the next 4 weeks and keep it off permanently?
More importantly, do you need to enhance your immune system right now given all the craziness going on?
70% of your immune system is in your gut and we are going to focus on improving gut health first and foremost.
We will also dive deep into reducing stress in many other areas of your life with this personalized coaching program.
If you are interested or know someone that might be, reply to this email ASAP!
Note: You DO NOT need to be able to workout in-person at our locations.