
Coach Brien Shamp’s Livestream Core – Cardio Workout 5-2-20


Ideally, warm-up prior with self-massage and mobility exercises. See this post: How To Prepare For Workouts

WOD: There are 4 stations with two exercises each- alternate the two exercises per station for 40s for 3 rounds before moving to the next station. 10s transition. Perform 3 rounds.

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 10s rest, 3 sets

**Heart Rate Monitor Zone: 3-5. Get the heart rate up during this time to an anaerobic zone (non-conversational intensity). Zones 4-5 are generally anaerobic zones. Zone 3 is an aerobic zone. Work in zones 4 & 5 for 10 minutes or more as tolerated**

*Connect your heart rate monitor to Coresync App for the workout or any workout>>> CORESYNC

If attending the LIVE Session, connect your heart rate monitor to the CoreSync app > click on workouts at the bottom > Click on LIVE > select class time and we will be able to see your heart rate, workout intensity and calories expended. 


  1.   3 Cone Lateral Slalom: Move forwards & backwards in & out of imaginary cones while going laterally- perform figure 8 *Avoid letting feet cross *Athletic position *Relax heels- cue “heels the height of a credit card to relax calves *Hinge from hip
  2.   MB/DB Kneeling Reverse Wood Chops (20s each side) *Low to high diagonal *Lift collar bones *Low to high-knee to shoulder movement *Keep back flat *Hinge from hip  *Rotate from core *Arms straight to make harder as tolerated *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up


  1.   Jumping Jacks *Relax heels- cue “heels the height of a credit card to relax calves 
  2. MB/DB/KB Underhand Throw/Swing *Feet wider than shoulder-width, *Start with hands in front of chest and hinge from the hips (NOT A SQUAT), explode on the way up *Finish with squeeze of butt *Key is to get triple ext. from ankles/knees and hips. *Arms straight  *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up


  1.   Chair Step-Ups (20s Leading w. Each Foot): *Start with right foot on step > lower left and repeat *Perform 20s on each side *Drive foot up to make harder *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Modify by Increasing or Decreasing Intensity with Weight & Height of Step *Inhale on the way down and exhale, with Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up – Keep Belly in for added Stability
  2.   MB/DB/KB 3 Way Chops *Start on back with knees bent and heels digging in the ground, holding a weight at chest *Perform a sit-up while chop to right > go back to start position > chop through the center > go back to start > chop to left > go back to start position >repeat cycle *Bring arms overhead to make harder *Keep imprint  *Modify with Lower Ab Heel Tap *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up


  1.   Reaction Drill: Right or Left, Forward or Back, Occasional Down -Up – Coach’s Call
  2.   Glider 1 Leg Jack Knife (20s each side) *Feet on gliders *Push-up hold *Drive 1 leg up and down for 20s and then switch *Knees barely off the ground *Up in 3s and explode back, squeezing butt  *Modify with 2 legs or Beast Hold *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min *Heart Rate Monitor Zone: 1 – Emphasize slow deep breaths.

I hope that you get a chance to give this workout a try soon.

Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new Coaching Program starting Monday!

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Your friend & coach,


Telephone: 650-654-4604

About Brien


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