Warm-up prior to workout
WOD: Perform the following Exercises in a Group Circuit for 40s with 10s Rest for 4 Rounds. 8th Exercise is the Cardio Movement of the Day.
*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s Work, 10s Rest, 32 Sets*
**Heart Rate Monitor Zone: 3-5. Get the heart rate up during this time to an anaerobic zone (non-conversational intensity). Zones 4-5 are generally anaerobic zones. Zone 3 is an aerobic zone. Encourage clients to work in zones 4 & 5 for 10 minutes or more as tolerated**
- Plank Up~Downs (20s Leading w. Each Hand): *Plank with Hand-Hand-Elbow-Elbow *Hands Below Chest with Each Rep *Knees Off Ground for Advanced *Wide Feet *Lift Collar Bones 1″ *Squeeze Quads & Butt *Modify on Knees or with Elevated Surface or Wider Feet *Keep Belly in for added Stability – Breathe rhythmically
- Prone Butt Pincher w. Hip AD/AB: *Lift Thighs > Hip AB > Hip AD >> Repeat In & Out *Wide Knees *Bottoms of Feet Together *Squeeze Knees Together *Modify with Flutter Kick or Hip Extension with both Legs or with Stability Ball *Keep Belly in for added Stability – Breathe rhythmically
- Supine Lower Abdominal Corkscrew (20s Legs Clockwise ~ 20s Legs Counter-Clockwise): *Crunch Up to Increase Intensity *Look Down *Lower Legs to make harder *Hands Under Tailbone *Modify with Lower Ab Curl for those with Pelvic Dysfunction or Back Issues to Reduce Hip Flexors *Inhale on the way down and exhale, with Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up – Keep Belly in for added Stability
- Supine Bridge w. Leg Cross~Over (20s Each Side): *Open Hip to get a good Stretch *Toes Up *Feet Under Knees *Cross Right Foot over Opposite Knee for 20s & Switch *Keep Hips Up & Level *Shoulder Blades off the Ground *Inhale on the way down and exhale, with Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up – Keep Belly in for added Stability
- Elbow/Hand Side Plank Hip Drop (20s Each Side): *Elbow/Hand Tucked into Armpit for best Shoulder Position *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up
- Supine Russian Twist w. Ball/Book Between Knees: *Rotate from Core *Arms Out to Sides *Keep Shoulders on the Ground *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up
- Quadruped Hip Abduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSVoB3RNlsU (20s Each Side): *Get Full ROM without Rocking Hips *Perform on Fists or Hands *Shoulders Back & Down *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Corkscrew Elbows In *Increase Intensity by performing in Beast Position – you can also add a Band Around the Knees*Inhale on the way down and exhale, with Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up – Keep Belly in for added Stability
- 40s Cardio: *Stay Aerobic
Perform 3 Burpees then Switch to High Knees for 10 Contacts each Foot *Keep Switching for 3 Minutes
I hope that you get a chance to give this workout a try soon.
Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new I AM A PRIORITY Coaching Program starting Monday!
I’d love to help you achieve your best self!
Please share my educational content with your friends and family and help us influence even more people to reach their full potential.
Your friend & coach,
Telephone: (650) 514-6679
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