
Coach Brien Shamp’s Be Better Friday Total Body Fat Lean Body Workout 6/3/22

Warm-up prior to workout

On The Minute Challenge Warm-Up (4 Minutes)

**Set Interval App to: 1 Min Work, 0s Rest, 4 Total Rounds 

Perform the following 3 Movements for 10 Reps in a Circuit for 4 Rounds. The Goal is to complete the 3 Movements in 1 Minute. Regardless if finished, start from the top on the next Round.

  1. Bridges (Miniband around knees if you have one)- 10: *Feet Hip Width *Knees Tracking in Line with 2nd Toes *Drive Weight of Body to Shoulders by digging into Ground/Ball/Roll with Toes or Drive Heels into Ground with Toes up *Squeeze Butt at top *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up
  1. Mountain Climbers (Miniband around knees if you have one)- 10 Each Side: *Educate here about Core Stability *Modify with Standing for those with Core Imbalances *Keep Belly in for added Stability – Breathe rhythmically

  2. Body Weight Squats (Miniband around knees if you have one)- 10: *Hinge from Hips *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

WOD: Perform the following 7 Exercises in a Circuit for 30s each with 10s Rest for 4 Rounds. Perform 2 rounds, rest for 60s and then perform another 2 rounds.

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s Work, 10s Rest, 14 Sets. Rest for 60s after the 2nd round and then perform 2 more rounds.

**Heart Rate Monitor Zone: 3-5. Get the heart rate up during this time to an anaerobic zone (non-conversational intensity). Zones 4-5 are generally anaerobic zones. Zone 3 is an aerobic zone. Encourage clients to work in zones 4 & 5 for 10 minutes or more8 as tolerated**

  1. TRX/Stick/Towel/Band Overhead Squat: *Warm Up with Shoulder Rotations Prior *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4xxKR9oR-4 *Start with Arms Overhead & Straight – Widen Hands to make easier *Lock Shoulders Back & Down *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Hinge at Hips *Get as Low as possible *Keep Arms from going Forward *Imagine holding 100 pounds Overhead – Stay Locked with Lats *Work on Mobility *Modify: Raise Heels or Prisoner Squats or Squats with Straight Arm Raises *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  2. KB/DB/Weighted Object Deadlift High Pull: *Feet Shoulder Width > Toes Out *Ideally Deadlift Starts & Ends on Ground each Rep but with a DB this will be tough- you can raise the Ground to make it easier on your back if using DBs *Before lifting weight, make sure Shoulders are Packed – Teach to Respect Load *Eyes Forward *High Hips – Not a Squat *Flat Back *Maintain Shin Angle *Squeeze Butt at End ROM each Rep *Bring Hands to approximately Shoulder Height *Average weight for females is 25 lbs. *Cue to go Up Fast in 1 count & Down Slow in 2 Counts: Bring weight down first so Arms are Straight (1st count) and then Hinge & Lower Weight (2nd Count) *Modify with Body Weight Squats or Remove High Pull *Inhale on the way down and exhale, with Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up – Keep Belly in for added Stability

  3. Band Alternating Rows: *Keep Hands Low *Keep Head Back & Eyes Forward *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Squeeze Shoulder Back & Down *If no band perform with dumbbells in bent over position *Inhale on the LOAD/PULL and exhale, with Kegel contraction (engage bladder) on the way down (opposite of others movements)

  4. KB/DB/MB/SB/Weighted Object Split Squats (15s Each Side): *Hold KB or DB’s as tolerated in each Hand *Shoulders Back & Down *Squeeze Shoulder Blades *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  5. KB/DB Stability Ball Chest Press *Head & Shoulders on Ball *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Shoulders Back & Down *Keep Head Back & Eyes Forward *Hips Up *Squeeze Chest & Triceps at End ROM *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  6. Frog Jumps: *Head Back – Eyes Forward *Feet Shoulder Width *Start with Straight Arms Overhead > Hinge from Hip with slight Squat as Arms Lower > Explode Up & Forward Reaching with Arms to get distance on Jump > Repeat *Modify without Jump *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up

  7. Bear Crawls: *Opp. Arm & Leg *Try to get Foot to Hand to get Stretch *Allow Head to fall *Butt in air *If Hinging in the air correctly, little weight should be on Shoulders *Keep Belly in for added Stability – Breathe rhythmically

No Finisher – Get them to work as hard as possible on the last round!!!

I hope that you get a chance to give this workout a try soon.

Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new I AM A PRIORITY Coaching Program starting Monday!

CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE DISCOVERY CALL>>> Brien Shamp’s  Coaching Program​​

​​I’d love to help you achieve your best self!

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Your friend & coach,


Telephone: (650) 514-6679

About Brien


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