
8 Week Group Metabolic Typing Program-Save Over $600!


  • Are you Stressed?
  • Do You Have Aches & Pains That You Have Given Up On?
  • Are You Finding It More Difficult To Get Up In The Mornings After Waking Up A Few Times During The Nigh t?
  • Do You Have Fat and Weight Around Your Belly That Just Won’t Go Away Like It Used To In The Old Days?

If you answered Yes to any of the above, I have a solution for you…

You Must Change Your Nutrition & Lifestyle Even If You Think It’s Healthy!!!

I have been in the Health & Fitness Industry for 21 years, and as a Personal Trainer I used to believe that almost everything could be solved by getting more exercise. It wasn’t until Exercise Physiology Graduate School at San Francisco State University that I realized how little exercise really changes the physiology compared to nutrition interventions.

In 1999, I reviewed almost every study related to body fat & weight reduction. I was looking to prove how valuable resistance or strength training was for increasing metabolism (which I was told for years) and how it contributed to fat loss. Interesting thing happened… the data showed very little benefit and I was shocked. Most of the studies revealed that resistance or strength training proved to have very little effect on fat & weight loss and increasing metabolism.

I then reviewed all of the aerobic studies and I found similar results. These revelations really had me questioning my future as a Personal Trainer.

What did come out of this research was how important the nutritional side of the equation was for fat and weight loss. On average, subjects that participated in a 12 week study lost 24 pounds while those who did resistance or strength training didn’t lose any weight because they gained muscle mass and lost fat. The aerobic exercise studies typically showed a few pounds of weight loss (both muscle mass and fat mass), but again it was nothing significant compared to the nutrition intervention groups.

You would think that if resistance training or strength training, aerobic training and nutrition interventions were all combined that they would result in amazing fat & weight loss. Again, I was surprised to find out that there was very little benefit of adding the exercise components into the equation for those seeking fat & weight loss.

This is not to say that exercise isn’t important. Exercise has many benefits, just not for those that want immediate results for fat or weight loss.

My research convinced me that I needed to learn more about nutrition and that this is what I did. That same year, I was awarded 1st Place in the World’s Best Personal Trainer Contest by Met-Rx and this was the start of my success, as I figured out how powerful what we consume really was to changing how we look and feel.

Since 1999, I have searched around the world for the best practitioners and programs with proven fat & weight loss success. Every day I learn more and more, but there has been one program that has proven to stand out above all the rest.

Put an End to the Confusion about What Diet is Right for YOU and Which Supplements YOU REALLY Need!

Now you can benefit from a simple system to identify your Ideal Fuel Source…Metabolic Typing. Then you will know how to select just the right body fuel, foods, food combinations and nutrients that will enable your body to function at peak efficiency.

With this Leading Edge Dietary Technology You May:

  • Lose weight naturally and maintain your ideal weight
  • Prevent and reverse chronic illness
  • Optimize your physical energy and your mental clarity
  • Strengthen immunity
  • Slow down the aging process

I have been using Metabolic Typing one on one with clients around the world with great success. This can be proven because in January 2009, we were nominated Best in the Bay Area for Weight Loss by Best of The Bay-KRON TV.

The downside with the one on one model is that it can be expensive, so in the past I have taught a few Group Metabolic Typing Programs which turned out great for everyone. It has been almost a year since I did the last program and I am very excited to teach another starting Wednesday, September 28th. The course will meet every other week for 8 weeks on Wednesdays for 2 hours/session (09/28-   11/9).

This 8 week group program is not for everyone. It is for those of you who want: cutting edge information on nutrition, a personalized nutrition plan, lifestyle recommendations, scientific & real world education, group interaction, and homework. It is also specifically for those who are open to changing their habits to achieve their goals and dreams.

Here is another testimonial from a client who had tremendous results from Metabolic Typing:

“Throughout one’s life, we are blessed to receive many different types of gifts from many people.  Some of the gifts are unforgettable-bright, shiny, expensive, a trinket to show the world.  Others gifts are very forgettable-they’re still in their original box, collecting dust, or often times, recycled to other friends during other gift giving occasions.

The gift I received from Brien Shamp of the Optimal Fitness Center took gift giving to a whole new realm; Brien gave me the gift of a healthier life. No, there were no organs donated, no blood given, no actions that, although extremely caring and unselfish, were one time occurrences, rather Brien provided me with a gift that truly doesn’t stop giving-he gave me the ongoing gift of knowledge and resources to continuously improve my life.
Brien’s dedication and commitment to teaching me how to eat better, how to sleep better, how to know myself better has resulted in far more than physical changes.  Pictures can’t describe the increased confidence and self esteem that I have when people comment on my weight loss, pictures can’t tell the story of how it feels to finally skip all the way to the top of the steps without breathing heavy, there are no pictures or words to express the feeling of knowing that the actions taken today with the help of Brien’s tutelage have added years to my life, but there are two words that come to mind.”

Ed B.

Here are the details on the program:

Location: Belmont Personal Training & Nutrition- 248A Harbor Blvd, Belmont, Ca 94002

When: Wednesdays: (09/28, 10/12, 10/26 & 11/9).

Time: 6:30 -8:30 PM (8 hours of total class time)

Cost: Only $250 (Save Over $600 compared to Individualized Coaching)



To sign up go to: Group Metabolic Typing Program.

Deadline is Wednesday, September 28th or earlier given the limited space. You will save $600 if you take the 8 hour group program compared to 8 hours of individual one on one coaching.

There are 30  spots available.



To  sign up go to: Group Metabolic Typing Program: Group Metabolic Typing Program.