
Get Your Good Bacteria

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A powerful new study by Yale University and the University of Chicago found that mice exposed to common stomach bacteria were protected against the development of Type I — or childhood-onset — diabetes, an autoimmune disease whose causes doctors are far from understanding. Mice sheltered from this bacteria, on the other hand, were prone to develop severe diabetes. The findings support a long-standing theory that a lack of exposure to bacteria and viruses might lead to increased risk of disorders of the immune system, including allergies and asthma.

The idea is that when a child’s immune system isn’t allowed to wrestle with the common flora and fauna of dirt and germs, it overreacts when exposed to the smallest ailment and ends up attacking not just the intruder, but also itself. A little dirt never killed anybody — but it might have saved a few.

In Health & Vitality,

Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

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