
FBBC and Burlingame Fit Fat Loss Challenge Day – Total Body Workout 3/18/11: One Arm Pull-Ups, Side Lunge, Mountain Climbers, Squats, Push-Ups

3/18 Fat Loss Challenge Day – Total Body Workout: One Arm Pull-Ups, Side Lunge, Mountain Climbers, Squats, Push-Ups

Theme: Challenge Day Friday


1. Squat: 10

2. Side Lunge with Touch: 5 Each

3. High Knee Run Hand Touch: 5

4. Mountain Climbers: 5 Each

5. Jog/Sprint/Walk: 2 Laps

Challenge Day-Perform as many reps as possible with good form for 40s for 3 rounds *Try to beat reps from last time. *if time, give each group a pen and paper and tell them to keep track of reps so they can beat the previous round. Write down initials and reps for each round.

1. High Knee Run Hand Touch *Toes up so land on ball of foot

2. Aquaman Push-Up *Perform Push-Up followed by opp arm & leg *Can do on knees or just hold *Stay tight

3. Side Lunge with Touch *Flat Back

4. One Arm Pull-Up  *20s Each  *Neutral Grip *Elbows In

5. MB Squat Wall Chest Pass *Stand on long tramp at SMGC & Do with partner @ Burlingame Fit

6. Jog/Sprint/Walk

7. Mountain Climbers *Knee Barely off the ground’ flat back

8. MB Rotations-Wall *20 s Each Side *Stand on big mat near track on right side of room at SMGC and do with partner @ Burlingame Fit
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P5PImIdeqQ&feature=player_embedded

Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Please post your time of the workout in the comment section below so we can see how you did.

If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

NEW Burlingame Fit Boot Camp: 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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