5/23 Fat Loss Workout – Total Body Workout of the Day: TRX Biceps & Triceps, Rows, Sprinters Lunges, Battle Ropes, Push-Ups, Plank, Side Plank, Good Mornings
Warm-Up: Perform the following exercises with good form:
1. Sprinters Backwards Lunge: 5 each side *Opp Arm & Leg
2. Butt Kicks: 10 each side
3. Wide Stance Good Morning *Hands behind head
4. Elbow Plank-Side Plank Combo: 3 each
5. Seated Rows: 10
6. Push-Ups: 5
Workout of the Day: Perform 3-4 sets of the following exercises for 40s:
1. MB Wide Stance Good Morning *MB behind head
2. Elbow Plank-Side Plank Combo *Alternate Plank-Side Plank every 2-5 s
3. Band Partner Rows *Interlock Bands *Seated
4. Sprinters Step-Ups with Knee Drive (20s each side) *Opp Arm & Leg *Increase height of bench/step/matt to make harder *Keep foot on bench/step/matt
5. Swiss Ball Push-Ups *Hands on ball *Widen Feet to Make Easier *Hold to Modify-no push-up
6. TRX Biceps CurlsàTriceps Ext (20 s each)
7. Battle Ropes: Overhand Grip Push Press (20s) * Butt Kicks (20s) while in rcovery
Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)
If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG
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