
Burlingame Boot Camp Workout 8/8/11 – Feel The Burn

8/8 Burlingame Boot Camp Total Body Workout  of the Day

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes

As a Group: Perform exercises below for 5 minutes. Rest as needed.

  • 5 Body Weight Squats
  • 5 Inch Worms (hold push-up position for 1 s)
  • 5 Full Sit-Ups

Rest 2-3 minutes –

  Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and move to the next exercise in the circuit with no rest.  Perform 2 sets of each circuit before moving to the next circuit. Rest 1 minute between each circuit.

Circuit #1 (3 min/round x2)

  • 30 sec Split Jump Lunges (alternate legs)
  • 30 sec Lateral Lunges ( alternating sides)
  • 30 sec Prisoner Squat Jumps
  • 30 sec Lateral Lunges (alternating sides)
  • 30 sec Split Jump Lunges (alternate legs)
  • 30 sec Prisoner Squat Jumps

Rest 1 minute & Repeat

Circuit #2 (3 min/round x2)

  • 30 sec Plate Bent Over Rows
  • 30 sec Push-ups
  • 30 sec Plate Sumo Deadlift
  • 30 sec Plate Bent Over Rows
  • 30 sec Push-ups
  • 30 sec Plate Sumo Deadlift

Rest 1 minute & Repeat

Circuit #3 (3 min/round x2)

  • 30 sec Elbow Plank Jacks (legs go in & out)
  • 30 sec Glider Roll Out
  • 30 sec Bench Crunch
  • 30 sec Elbow Plank Jacks (legs go in & out)
  • 30 sec Glider Roll Out
  • 30 sec Bench Crunch

Rest 1 minute & Repeat

Sprint Finisher (5 Min): 5-10-5

Cool down:  5-10 minutes

Try Burlingame Boot Camp:  $1 for 1 Week Trial

In Health, Fitness & Vitality, 


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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