San Carlos Group Personal Training Boot Camp 2/24/14: 1200 + Rep Bodyweight Challenge
Phase 1: Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min)
*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 6 total sets for Phase 2
Phase 2: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets
*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt
*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles
1. Prone Plank with Partner Opp. Hand Push *3 B’s *Left hand off ground and pushing partner’s left hand (30s) *Wide feet *Corkscrew elbows
2. Prone Plank with Partner Opp. Hand Push *3 B’s *Right hand off ground and pushing partner’s right hand (30s) *Corkscrew elbows
3. Partner Lower Pelvic Lift or Curl *Partners are supine (head to head) , they grab each other’s forearms to anchor à lift pelvis or curl *Keep forearms and elbows on floor *3B’s*