
Are You a Tough Mudder? Join My Team 9/18/11

Are you ready for a new challenge?

Do you need some motivation to take your fitness to the next level?

Are you bored with your current fitness routine?

These were my reasons for committing to Tough Mudder. If you do not know what Tough Mudder is check out the videos here: WHAT IS TOUGH MUDDER?
I was invited to join a team on Saturday, but I figured I would create my own team on Sunday (Sat is full now with 7500 people registered), since I have a community that is primed for this event.Let’s put our training to the test in a real world challenge and work together as a TEAM. Tough Mudder is not a race with a winner and it is not timed. It is about teamwork. I invite all my boot campers, private clients, email friends and others that want to challenge themselves and have some fun to join my team.

The event is in Squaw Valley on September 18th. Here is the course for the event: TOUGH MUDDER COURSE

The Team Name is Shamp and our start time is 10:40 am. You can register here to join the team: TOUGH MUDDER REGISTRATION

Contact me with questions.


