
Boot Camp Burlingame Fitness Training 5/5/15: Cinco de Mayo Core – Cardio Workout‏

Boot Camp Burlingame Fitness Training 5/5/15: Cinco de Mayo Core – Cardio Workout

3 Phase Warm-Up: 

Phase 1: Warm-Up: Perform 3 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing while lying supine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-_NNCrrdus Lie on back and initiate breathing with belly–>rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest. Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 15s each breath (5s inhale–> 5 s hold–> 5 s exhale). Emphasize that campers do this upon rising and going to sleep and if they want an amazing shift in their state at any time, while breathing think about 3 things they are grateful for.

Phase 2: Floor Stretches (5 min) *Work on forearm/wrist mobility

Phase 3: *Run/Walk/Cardio: 3 min

*Review WOD below during Phase 2 & 3 above and assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 3 boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own.

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 15s rest, 4 sets

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

Perform the following core workout in a circuit for 4 sets. All core exercises are 40s each. There should be a quick transition as a group (15s) between exercises.

1.    Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion (20s Each Side) *The closer the ball is towards the hips the harder it is – greater range of motion *Get a big stretch over ball and engage obliques with contraction at top. No need to go up too high *Keep hips square- avoid rotation *One foot forward, one foot back to increase stability*3B’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vecgYgJ9ujY

2.    SB/Plate/DB Standing Reverse Chops (Low to High) (20s Each Side) *Weight shift with pivot of feet *Hinge from hip *Keep arms straight if tolerated *2B’s

3.    Bosu/Disc Crunches *3B’s *Look at abdomen  *Tongue on roof of mouth

4.    Donkey Kicks (20s Each) *Start on all 4’s hands under shoulders and hips over knees–>extend back leg up and flex –Repeat  *Increase intensity by lifting knees 1 inch off ground http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=327EbRYiQ4Y *3B’s *Avoid arching spine *Relax shoulders *Keep shoulders back & down

5.    Kneeling Battle Rope Snakes (20s) *Bring rope horizontally right to left with both hands- open arms as far as possible & squeeze shoulder blades & Double Waves (20s) *3B’s *Keep shoulders back & down *Hinge from hips

6.    Band Standing Wood Chop (High to Low) (20s Each Side) *Stop diagonal pattern as quick as possible at knee to work on deceleration *Keep arms straight *2B’s *Hinge from hip *Studio: Use Ropeflex (High to low pattern)

7.    Supine Reverse Crunches *Foam roll between heels and hams *Hands to sides or behind head *Lift pelvis and curl *3B’s

*Run/Walk/Cardio After Circuit Above  if Time: 5 Min

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

Are you up for a challenge? Sign up for the 6 Week Boot Camp Transformation Challenge: Transformation

Your friend & coach,
