
Boot Camp Redwood City 2/27/12- Fat Burning Workout to Lose Fat and Get in Shape Fast

Boot Camp Redwood City 2/27/12- Fat Burning Workout to Lose Fat and Get in Shape Fast
Preparation: Perform the following exercises to prepare for the wod  in a group for 30s.
1. Walking Lunges with Arm Raise
2. Dynamic Push-Up—Long Jump
3. Walking Single Leg Deadlift Touch
4. Jog with Squat Down * Instructor call squat
4. Forward  Jog
5. Backwards Jog
6. High Knee Run *Stay tight- small quick movements- toes up on landing
7. High Knee Skips *Stay tight- small quick movements- toes up on landing
8. Lateral Shuffle
8. Carioca
WOD: Perform 3-4 sets of the following exercises for 40s in a circuit with 15-20s rest:
1.     Partner Mirror Drill (20s each as the leader)
2.     Plate/DB Wide Good Mornings *Plate at chest or higher as needed
3.     TRX Squats (20s)à TRX Squat Jumps (20s)
4.     Swiss Ball/Glider Jack Knife Push-Up  *Lock
5.     Jump Rope (20s Regular Two Feetà 20s One Foot Two Jumps & Switch to Other Foot For Two Jumps)
6.     Jog with SB On Shoulder (switch shoulder at 20s)
7. Rope Climb (20s Each) *Battle rope pull & rotate with partner at RWC & Menlo Park-Wrap rope around partner and they are the anchor. You will move towards the anchor.
Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)
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Fit Body Boot Camp is the only 30 minute group personal training program that’s fun, affordable, gives you fat loss results and challenges your body every time. Best of all, we guarantee you’ll be happy with the results or you get your money back.

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