
Boot Camp Redwood City Fitness Training 6/5/15: Try This Combo TABATA Summer-Ready Program‏

Boot Camp Redwood City Fitness Training 6/5/15: Try This Combo TABATA Summer-Ready Program

4 Phase Warm-Up:

Phase 1:  Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min) *Add in more wrist mobility work *Start education here about the importance of breathing, emphasize slow, deep, rhythmic breaths, in and out of the nose, initiated from diaphragm (belly should rise first, rib cage second, chest third). Push the need to daily work on breathing before eating, if stressed, depressed, in the car etc. given it is our number one need. We can change our physiological state in seconds via breathing. If we master breathing, we can enjoy life at its fullest. Inverted or chest breathing sympathetic dominance (flight/fight response) > digestive complaints, neck issues, tmj, grinding of teeth, anxiety, scarcity, belly fat and more.  In addition, explain the need to be in good posture for optimal breathing efficiency and to reduce potential injuries. With each movement incorporate breathing and make the movements flow.  If there are tight areas focus on those areas and continue to breathe.

Phase 2: Quadruped Breathing/Drawing In Maneuver

Perform 1-2 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal recruitment while on all 4’s: Hands under shoulders and knees under hips, corkscrew elbows, shoulders back & down. Initiate breathing with belly (let it fall)–>rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest. This is an easy way to teach people diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 10s each breath (3s inhale (belly falls)–> 2 s hold–> 5 s exhale and draw belly in towards spine, feeling oblique’s engaging- avoid rounding back). This is not normal breathing given you don’t draw the belly in. The purpose of this is to educate about the inhalation and set the abdominal wall for ab exercises and other movements we do in the workout and prior to all lifts in the real world. This will help to stabilize the spine.

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 6 total sets for Phase 2

Phase 3: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets (Total Time: 3:30)

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

1.      Prone Plank with Elbow Rotation *Rotate RT elbow towards up to ceiling, look at elbow >  back to plank à repeat with LT Elbow *Move from core *Keep hips level *3B’s *Shoulders back & down **Move feet closer to increase difficulty

2.    Side Plank with Elbow Rotation (LT Side) *Rotate RT elbow towards ground and up to ceiling, look at ebow > repeat *Move from core *Keep hips level and bring hips as high as tolerated  *3B’s *Shoulders back & down

3.    Side Plank with Elbow Rotation (RT Side) *Rotate LT elbow towards ground and up to ceiling, look at ebow > repeat *Move from core *Keep hips level and bring hips as high as tolerated  *3B’s *Shoulders back & down

Phase 4: Primal Movements: Review the WOD below for 5-10 reps *Goal is blood flow, not max efforts

*Review WOD. Assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 5 boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 20s work time, 10s rest, 16 sets each station (8 sets each exercise), 30s transition time after all 16 sets are complete

TABATA: Perform each Tabata Combo for 16 sets before moving on (4 minutes each exercise-8 minutes each station). Tabata #4 is to be performed as a group for 8 sets only.

 For example in #1: 20 seconds of squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec mat jumps, 10 sec rest, 20 sec squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec mat jumps, and so on until you reach 4 minutes of each exercise (8 sets of each.) ALLOW approximately 1 min rest after each numbered Tabata (depending on group).

·         Leg Blaster Tabata #1: Sandbag/MB Shoulder Squats (4 sets with SB/MB on each side) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbY3SZs-t8E *2B’s *Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades *Keeps hips from deviating right and left and get as low as tolerated *Hold 2s at bottom *Hinge from hips & Mat/Step Jumps *Start with hands up and finish with them up *Hinge from hips *Load–>explode *Step ups as needed *2B’s

·         Upper Body Blaster TABATA #2 TRX Rows *Get low *Mix up hand positions*Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades and hold for 2s & High Knees Holding MB w/Down-Up-Push-Up *Perform 4 high knee runs on each side (toes up) holding 10-30 pound MB at chest –> go down to pushup position, holding ball from sides and perform close push-up–>repeat *Mix up lead leg each set *Goal is to explode up *No push-ups for those with shoulder issues- just plank as needed. *3B’s *Toes up for high knee movement

·         Agility and Power Tabata #3 4 Cone Cross-Over Agility Drill *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnKbUMnidU8 *2 people per set of cones *Stay low *Lead with hips with backpedal & MB Partenr Underhand Throw *Total body movement *Follow through into partner *Hinge from hips *2B’s *Start and end movement with hands at chest height

·         Group Tabata #4 Perform last TABATA as a group: Side Step with Opposite Hand to Foot Touch *Trail leg should be straight *Head stays over center of gravity *Stay low in squat position *Lock shoulders back & down *Goal is speed- bring the energy *2B’s *Always have one foot on a line and switch

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

Are you up for a challenge? Sign up for the 6 Week Boot Camp Transformation Challenge: Transformation

Your friend & coach,
