
Boot Camp San Mateo Athletic Club 9/24/14: Try This Total Body TABATA and Burn Over 500 Calories!

Boot Camp San Mateo Athletic Club 9/24/14: Try This Total Body TABATA and Burn Over 500 Calories!

3 Phase Warm-Up:

Phase 1:  Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min)

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest for 6 sets

Phase 2: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets (Total Time: 3:30)

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

  1. Bear Crawl (aka BEAST) *Crawl forward & back *On all 4’s with knees in line with hands *Push hands into ground to extend upper back  *Shoulders back & down-Lock  *Educate here about core stability *3 B’s
  2. Supine Bridges with Arm Raise *Toes up on heels *Feet & knees together  *Squeeze butt & lift shoulder blades off ground *Hold squeeze for 3-5s at top
  3. Prone Sea Turtles *2Bs *Start prone with arms overheadà lift arms (do your best to relax shoulders), extend back and lift legs off groundàwhile in extended position bring arms from overhead position to thighs with palms up while simultaneously abducting thighs as far as possibleàbrings arms and thighs back to centeràlower body back to ground–>repeat

Phase 3: Primal Movements: Review the WOD below for 5-10 reps *Goal is blood flow, not max efforts

*Review WOD below during Phase 2 & 3 above and assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 3 boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own.https://brienshamp.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 20s work time, 10s rest, 8 sets, 30s transition time after all 8 sets are complete

TABATA: Perform each exercise for 20s with 10 s rest for 8 sets total, complete 1 exercise for 8 sets and move to the next one. Approx. 30s rest in between exercises

  1. SB/Plate/KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull *Hinge from hips *Arms straight till ext of hips *Majority of movement is from the lower body *Hands only need to go as high as chest *2B’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjRB2mcTiMI *Studio: Perform in Monkey Bar Room
  2. 3 Cone Lateral Weave Agility Drill with Down-up *Stay low *Quick feet *Relax heels  *Weave lateral in & out of 3 cones *Perform down-up at each cone *2 people can use the same cones
  3. Glider Jack Knife- Push-Up *Lock Shoulders Back & Down *Elbows In  *Maintain plank *Keep head up *3B’s
  4. TRX 1 Leg Squats *Perform on 2 Legs to make easier * Start with feet close *Hinge from hips *2B’s *Arms help the legs as needed *Get low
  5. Pull-Ups  *Lock Shoulders Back & Down *3B’s
  6. 3 Cone Triangle Reaction Drill *4 Sets Each *Partner Calls Cone 1, 2 or 3 or the color of cone- other partner runs to cone and runs back to center *Stay Low *Partner calling does jumping jacks or cardio of your choice *Relax heels
  7. Forward – Backwards Lunges with Opp. Arm Drive (4 Sets Each Side)  *3 B’s *Slight Forward Lean Like a Sprinter’s Lunge *Explode up

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

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