
Word of the Week: BREATHE

The word of the week is BREATHE!

To breathe is to move air into and out of the lungs.

This has been a bit of an issue in 2020. First COVID19 and now we have the fires on the west coast 🙁

You can only last about 5 minutes without air, so there is nothing more important than breathing. Given this, breathing is the #1 Primal Need in my coaching model.

Lack of Breath = Death!

It’s never been more important to focus on your breathing. When you become aware and slow down your breathing you will feel as if you can control and slow down life!

Whenever you feel anxious or stressed, upon waking, before eating, during eating, while driving, during your workouts,  as you are falling asleep…JUST BREATHE!

Try some of these core breathing positions:

Core Breathing in Quadruped

Core Breathing in Prone

Take the time to slow down and breathe a few times per day this week!

For an added bonus, consider diffusing or applying the essential oil Breathe or eucalyptus. You can learn more about Young Living Oils and order here: Young Living

Let me know if you need any help.

For past words of the week: Word of the Week

Your friend & coach,


Telephone: 650-654-4604

About Brien


P.S. Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new 6 week challenge starting soon!

APPLY HERE>>> NEW 42 Day Summer Challenge​​​​​​

#wordoftheweek #coachbrienshamp #brienshampfitbodybootcamp