
Burlingame Boot Camp Core-Cardio Workout of the Day 06/07/11- 10 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

6/7 Burlingame Boot Camp Core-Cardio Workout of the Day: Get-Ups, Side Lunge Touch, Down-Ups, Knee Slaps, Scissors, Pike, Reptile Push-Up

Perform the following 10 core-cardio exercises as a GROUP for 30 s each unless noted for 2-3 rounds:

1. Core: Get-Ups (2 each side) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbabYc6HZw0
2. Cardio: Side Step Touch
3. Core: Reptile Push-Up Hold *Knee to Elbow  *Keep Plank
4. Cardio: Pike Jump Side to Side *Butt kick and bring feet right to left
5. Seated V-Scissors *Do scissors horizontally with legs *On elbows
6. Cardio: Down-Ups *Instructor says high knees  then down-they then get right back up into high knees *Touch chest to ground
7. Core: Lower Ab Partner Resistance (1 min each person applies resistance by pulling feet) *Goal is to keep knees over hips for person on the ground
8. Cardio: Knee Slaps (30s for Each Person to Be The Slapper ) *Face each other *Avoid moving around the room too much
9. Core: Side Lying Groin (30s Each Side)
10. Cardio: Jumping Forward-Back Jacks

If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

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Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach



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