
Burlingame Personal Training? Try This 5/6 Fat Loss Challenge Day at Burlingame Boot Camp

Burlingame Personal Training? Try this 5/6  Fat Loss Challenge Day – Total Body Workout: Push-Ups, Squats, Jump Rope, Lunges, Planks


1. Multi-Directional 5 Way Lunges- (2x each leg)  (Step towards the clock: RT Foot: 12-2-3-4-6 & LT Foot: 12-10-9-8-6)
2. Side to Side Squats-5 Each Side (Used beam in video)
3. Push-Ups: 5
4. Plank Up-Downs-3 Each Side
5. Supine Lower Ab Curl: 10
6. Prone Hip Ext: 10
7. Jumps: 20 (educate them about jumping on ball of foot, barely lift heel) *Modify with jogging in place as needed

WOD: Perform the following exercises as fast as possible for 25 minutes. Count number of rounds.
You can mix up the order as needed/desired as you choose.

1. Walk/Jog/Sprint: 2 Laps
2. Multi-Directional 5 Way Lunges-3 Cycles (15 reps each leg) (Step towards the clock: RT Foot: 12-2-3-4-6 & LT Foot: 12-10-9-8-6)
3.  Battle Ropes Pull & Rotate-2x *Wrap rope around partner and they are the anchor. You will move towards the anchor.
4. Plank Up-Downs-10 Each Side
5. Side to Side Squats-15 Each Side *Go under pole
6. Mat One Arm Push-Ups- 6 Each Arm
7. Jump Rope: 50 jumps
8. Pull-Up Hang -Lower Ab Curl: 10
9. Reverse Hyperextension: 10

How many rounds did you do?

Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Please post your time of the workout in the comment section below so we can see how you did.

NEW Burlingame Fit Boot Camp @ 10 am starting May 16th:  21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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