
College of San Mateo Baseball Workout of the Day – 9/22/11

Fall Baseball Workout #4

Below is our first challenge day of the year. Lot’s of fun!


Burpees (No Push-Up): 10
Back Lunges with Rotation: 5 Each Leg
Plank Up-Downs-5 Each Side
Supine Bicycle Crunches: 5 Each Side
Side Lying One Arm Push-Ups- 5 Each Arm  
Singe Leg Deadlift: 5  each side  
Squats: 10 *Sit Into Bench
Jumps: 30s (educate them about jumping on ball of foot, barely lift heel)  

WOD: Perform the following exercises as fast as possible for 25 minutes. Count number of rounds.
You can mix up the order as needed/desired as you choose.

1. Burpees (No Push-Up): 10
2. Back Lunges with MB Rotation: 10 Each Leg
3. Battle Ropes Pull & Rotate-2x *Wrap rope around partner and they are the anchor. You will move towards the anchor.
4. Plank Up-Downs-10 Each Side
5. Supine Bicycle Crunches: 10 Each Side
6. Side Lying One Arm Push-Ups- 10 Each Arm *Shoulders Back & Down
7. Jump Rope: 50 jumps *Toes Up *Heels Barely Off Ground
8. Plate Singe Leg Deadlift: 10  each side *Hinge from hip and try to touch ground keeping back straight
9. Plate Front Squats: 10 *Sit Into Bench
10. Pulley Reverse Flys: 10

Please add your comments below on the workout.

Your friend & coach,



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