
College of San Mateo Baseball Workout of the Day – 9/26/11

Fall Baseball Workout #5

Here is our first real lifting day. Great job the last couple weeks getting ready for more intense workouts. Here is the workout for Monday & Wednesday below.

Core Workout: Perform the following exercises for 60s each for 2 sets:

1.     Partner Lower Ab Curl *Hold Elbows

2.     Prone Modified Superman (Hold 5s)

3.     Partner Sit Up Cross-Slap

4.     Plank High Five *On Elbows

Description: Description: https://brienshamp.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gifCircuit: Perform 3 Rounds for 40s each (8 stations, 6 people at each) *Perform as many sets as possible in the 60 sec period after a rest period in which you feel rested *Focus on 3B’s-Keep Belly & Bladder In & Butt Tucked as Needed *Approx 60s Rest in between exercises

Description: Description: https://brienshamp.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif1. Back Box Squats: Mon-5 Reps (Max Effort); Box Squats: Wed- 2 Reps (Speed-50% Max) *Warm-Up in between transition
2. Battle Ropes: Egg Beaters (20s each) *Jumping Jacks while resting

 3. Plate Bent Over Rows (20s) à Bent Over Retraction (20s) *Hips Back *Butt Out *Squeeze Shoulder Blades 

 4. DB Floor Press: Mon- 5 Reps (Max Effort) ;Wed-2 Reps (Speed-50% of MAX)

 5. Forward Lunges with KB Hold *Keep Shoulders Back & Down * Core Tight *Explode Up
6. Pulldowns (20s) *Keep Shoulders Back & Down  *Athletic Stance *Jumping Jacks while resting

 7. 5 Yard Lateral Shuffle Drill (6 touches) *Stay Low *Game Speed
8. MB Side to Side Rotation  *Keep Shoulders Back & Down  *Game Speed *Extend Arms *Rotate From Waist


Please add your comments below on the workout.

Your friend & coach,



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